Title: Zagato Spares on E-Bay Post by: alcarr on 21 February, 2009, 11:46:28 PM Lancia Fulvia Zagato rear lights item No. 280313885921, current bid £69.99 coming from Portugal. Auction ends 26/02/2009. I have put in a bid
Alan Carr Title: Re: Zagato Spares on E-Bay Post by: Philm on 22 February, 2009, 06:39:10 PM Nice, but be careful. There are 2 different sizes of rear lamps. They difference is slight but there.
Title: Re: Zagato Spares on E-Bay Post by: 2Lancialan on 16 April, 2009, 01:29:04 PM Our friend Steuart down in Maidstone often has a few Zagato bits for sale on ebay etc. If you're still looking for rear lights I can always ask him.