Lancia Motor Club

General => General Chat => Topic started by: chrislg on 10 March, 2009, 01:19:31 PM

Title: Government Proposes to reduce National Speed Limit to 50mph! Petition Against
Post by: chrislg on 10 March, 2009, 01:19:31 PM

If you did not see the weekend papers regarding the lastest Government attack on the motorist then read it here! (

If you don't like the idea then sign the petition on the No 10 site and pass the link to everyone you know!! (

Lets see if this petition can get a big (or bigger) than the one against road pricing!


Title: Re: Government Proposes to reduce National Speed Limit to 50mph! Petition Against
Post by: SteveGales on 10 March, 2009, 04:42:04 PM
Hi Chris

You beat me to it, I was going to post the petition link too! Already up to about 1000 signatures.

As if the government haven't got any other problems to sort out, possibly the economy or the rising unemployment figures for starters?


Title: Re: Government Proposes to reduce National Speed Limit to 50mph! Petition Against
Post by: SteveGales on 10 March, 2009, 04:46:35 PM
Make that 1500

That's 500 more since I last checked at lunchtime.


Title: Re: Government Proposes to reduce National Speed Limit to 50mph! Petition Against
Post by: fay66 on 10 March, 2009, 08:26:20 PM
I think the papers are having a laugh saying that theNational Speed limit on single carriageways is 60mph, and only places where it is less is at accident blackspots! they obviously never travel through Oxfordshire & gloucestershire, where many roads have been arbitarily changed to 40mph & 50mph on the excuse of road safety, Bedfordshire also seems to be going the same way as well.
It appears councils just ignore the laid down criteria for imposing speed limits as & when it suits their own political agenda.

While I support the aims of the petition and have signed it, going by previous experience of the Governments response to these petions, I shan't hold my breath.

8227 8)

Title: Re: Government Proposes to reduce National Speed Limit to 50mph! Petition Against
Post by: stuwilson128 on 10 March, 2009, 11:15:59 PM
One more signatory!  The petition is now up to about 2700!

Title: Re: Government Proposes to reduce National Speed Limit to 50mph! Petition Against
Post by: Lindsay on 17 March, 2009, 06:18:08 PM
Come to Aberdeenshire - speed limit on rural roads seems to be around 85 by the looks of it.....

Title: Re: Government Proposes to reduce National Speed Limit to 50mph! Petition Agains
Post by: angelorange on 27 March, 2009, 05:49:35 PM
Nottingham started the average speed camera rage by installing the UK's first SPECS on a 40mph dual carriageway and changing the limit to 30mph.

Now they are reducing 60 mph A roads to 40 and 50 mph after installing further such devices......

Commuting at legal speeds now lengthens my exposure to road danger by 20 mins per day and sitting in queues increases fuel burn and CO2...