Lancia Motor Club

General => General Chat => Topic started by: sparehead3 on 01 May, 2009, 05:44:00 PM

Title: The £2k scrapping deal ...
Post by: sparehead3 on 01 May, 2009, 05:44:00 PM
Amazing but true, my mother has actually done this !

Also a sad day : not because she's getting rid of a classic but a very tidy , basic , 1997 Citroen Saxo with 44k on the clock which is about to go to the crusher .... (and probably the ONLY non-modified Saxo in the country - so maybe a very rare car :))

Anyway, she got the 2k off a brand new Citroen C1 - the garage didn't even look at the old car - just needed the proof of ownership. Personnally I'd have all the bits of trim off the car and flog them on e-bay ....

Anyway, just though I'd throw it in - I don't know of anyone else that's actually done it. At least the 2k came off a cheap new car and not off an expensive one ... however, as it's now May I bet the RRP of new cars is going to go up !

My Mum said that the new car was actually cheaper than the 1yr old second hand cars on the forecourt ... what'll happen to them ?

Her road tax will drop to £35 and there is a 3 year warranty on the new car ...  not that the old car was much problem doing 1,000 gentle miles every year ...


Title: Re: The £2k scrapping deal ...
Post by: peterbaker on 02 May, 2009, 09:38:54 AM
So, the government has arranged, possibly without intent, to make it even more difficult for young drivers to find an early rung on the motoring ladder by removing a whole range of cheap starter cars.
Car supermarkets have been offering great discount deals for years. Certainly it is possible to obtain £2,000 of most small cars.
The whole idea smacks of amaturism and last ditch desperation bought about by an unelected leader who should pack his bags and leave.

Title: Re: The £2k scrapping deal ...
Post by: fensaddler on 05 May, 2009, 02:00:45 PM
For the record, I also think its a dubious policy, not least as an environmental measure, but also as a measure supporting the UK motor industry, or helping consumers.  However, my mother in law may also avail herself, trading in a perfectly serviceable 13 year old car probably worth no more than £200.  As to the politics, I seem to recall the PM and the govt being under enormous lobbying pressure from the SMMT and most of the mainstream motoring press to do this (as well as, probably, from an opportunist opposition who will scream for everything, anything, to be done, and then scream that the govt is spending the family silver).  Rather think that Gordon Brown is damned if he does, or doesn't.  But IMHO, as a supporter of the govt, this was a wrong move.  AT most, it'll give a short term boost to the motor trade, and even then, mainly the franchised dealers.

Title: Re: The £2k scrapping deal ...
Post by: sparehead3 on 13 May, 2009, 11:38:37 AM
The C1 has now been delivered ... although my Mum was pretty devastated that her old car was crushed.