Title: Fulvia sump shield Post by: peterbaker on 24 May, 2009, 10:27:50 AM I know its a long shot but Im looking for a Fulvia sumpshield in preparation for forthcoming Classic Marathon. Any suggestions appreciated.
Title: Re: Fulvia sump shield Post by: Neil Lewis on 25 May, 2009, 11:22:00 PM It was many years ago now (too many) but I made a sump guard for mine out of 3/4 inch marine plywood. It worked rather well and you didn't hear the awful "clanging" when it hit the ground. Let me know if you want to find out how I made it.
Neil Title: Re: Fulvia sump shield Post by: peterbaker on 27 May, 2009, 05:39:09 PM many thanks for reply, the sumpsheild does look skiddish, but then I guess, it would. I have a contact in Italy, it seems they have been reproduced. Am waiting. BTY I had a Claud Butler, it was my pride and joy after saving up from my paper round. I think it was a 17inch frame with a double clanger, the shop was in south London. Regards
Title: Re: Fulvia sump shield Post by: angelorange on 13 June, 2009, 12:18:21 PM www.spitline.com
he has several hanging up in the shop Title: Re: Fulvia sump shield Post by: peterbaker on 14 June, 2009, 09:57:08 AM Amazing what is avaliable, many thanks for info. I already ordered a new one to original spec that was offered on e-bay Italy, cost sixty euro plus delivery. Once again many thanks for info.