Title: Nearly bitten by the Lancia bug Post by: Harvey on 26 May, 2009, 02:58:41 PM I was showing my sister an old sales brochure last night (pointing out what a Gamma saloon looks like whilst measuring her garage).
"I quite like that one.." she said, "and that one." Yes, it turns out that my sister wouldn't object to a Lancia coupe, even to the extent of enquiring about likely prices. ::) Luckily, I managed to persuade her to stick to "modern" cars, and thus keep her garage clear... ;) Title: Re: Nearly bitten by the Lancia bug Post by: sparehead3 on 26 May, 2009, 03:56:00 PM ... and .... ?
Is the garage gamma sized ? PS. Claire managed to wind the integrale window down and off the cog so it was a breezy journey home ... did actually get a friendly toot off a Cosworth Sierra on the way home .... Title: Re: Nearly bitten by the Lancia bug Post by: Harvey on 26 May, 2009, 09:21:02 PM The garage will accommodate a Gamma. :) There's a small matter of selling some surplus furniture to make the required space available, but that's already in hand!