Title: The Classic Marathon Post by: peterbaker on 08 June, 2009, 09:53:49 AM Well, only a week to go. Thanks to Jim Patten, Enzo Lacarta and Don Cross for putting up with my constant wittering and providing such valuable support. The car is ready apart from some small jobs and is the only Lancia in the field of 62 entries. We are towing the car to Slovenia, a mere 1700kms away, behind an Espace V6 petrol, not very economical but a great tow vehicle. The rally itself winds down the Dalmation coast then turns east into Croatia, thro Austria and then back to Bled in Slovenia for the finish, six days later. We have done three Marathons, each in a different car, Fulvia Sport S1, Appia S1 and now the Fulvia HF. Thanks also to Ecover (great enviromentally washing up products) and Dormy House Hotel, the best hotel in the Cotswolds. In in all it should be good fun.
Title: Re: The Classic Marathon Post by: lee69 on 08 June, 2009, 01:02:41 PM Have a great time Peter, to say I'm jealous is something of an understatement! I'm looking forward to the photos, that's a wonderful part of the world.
Lee Title: Re: The Classic Marathon Post by: peterbaker on 08 June, 2009, 01:46:46 PM you can get more info on www.ClassicRally.org.uk. Good posting by the way, I agree with everything.