Title: Zagato on eBay- Any knowledge? Post by: Philm on 02 July, 2009, 07:51:29 PM Has anyone any knowledge about the S2 Zagato on eBay? item No 160345896884
Title: Re: Zagato on eBay- Any knowledge? Post by: fay66 on 02 July, 2009, 08:17:32 PM In the 2000 Register it's shown as being owned by Mr & Mrs Chiorando who lived at Hale in Cheshire, so it's obviously the same owners, seems a shame that after all this time the're going to remove the personalised number plate, I wonder if it will carry it's original number whatever that was. looks pretty nice even if it has been standing sometime, I just wonder why it was left standing?
Brian 8227 8) Title: Re: Zagato on eBay- Any knowledge? Post by: Jai Sharma on 02 July, 2009, 09:18:54 PM I can't see how they will get the plate off, since the car must be MOT'd to get the plate off.......
Title: Re: Zagato on eBay- Any knowledge? Post by: Philm on 19 August, 2009, 12:45:30 PM Well they managed to change the plate as it appears to be up for sale on Car and Classic; http://www.carandclassic.co.uk/car/C106028/ at £4500 anyone on here bought it?