Lancia Motor Club

General => General Chat => Topic started by: peterbaker on 04 July, 2009, 06:40:41 PM

Title: Fulvia exhaust manifold removal
Post by: peterbaker on 04 July, 2009, 06:40:41 PM
Please, can somebody tell me how to remove the exhaust manifold from my Fulvia HF, it seems impossible to get at as does the centre retaining nut on the downpipe connection.

Title: Re: Fulvia exhaust manifold removal
Post by: Sliding Pillar on 04 July, 2009, 08:20:30 PM
It's a long time since i've had done this but I think most nuts can be undone with a 13mm ring spanner and grazed knuckels some from above and some below, the center downpipe bolt can be reached with a 13mm 3/8 drive socket on a long wobbly bar plus extension which sould then come over the top of the exhaust. Good luck!

Title: Re: Fulvia exhaust manifold removal
Post by: peterbaker on 04 July, 2009, 09:38:33 PM
Today Ive managed bottom row and top front two, albeit with stops for elastoplast, but I have now given in. I need a stiff Campari with double ice and an orange slice. And its getting dark.

Title: Re: Fulvia exhaust manifold removal
Post by: lancialulu on 05 July, 2009, 07:32:18 AM
It is a struggle. You should try the 1600 sport with oil cooler. From memory the cooler has to be removed, along with the front bumper and front dam air mesh! (and head light?)

On my 1.6HF one of the bolts is a 12mm head!!!! due to tightness of fit and at least three of the 13mm cannot take a ring spanner. I have always tried not to round off the bolt heads - then you are really stuffed!

Putting it back is even more fun. You need three sets of hands - one to hold the manifold, one for the gasket, one for the first bolt, one for the spanner and two to scratch head when nothing seems to work!! Note these threads (in the cylinder head) are helicoiled so generally they work reliably but wouldnt like to cross thread one!!

Re the lower joint I seem to remember it was so seized up that I cut it/chopped it off and welded a new stud after. I also try to leave in place and split lower down.

PS How did the marathon go? Are we going to see something in print....


Title: Re: Fulvia exhaust manifold removal
Post by: peterbaker on 05 July, 2009, 08:40:02 AM
Hmm. The Marathon was six days of heavy rain, we finished in fortieth place (out of sixty two)after an early navigational error and dare I admit, a wrong test , not very good but the Fulvia was incredibly sure footed on the slippery stuff. On the first 4km hillclimb held on loose surface we were only beaten by a Sunbeam Tiger and the inevitable 911. On the second I was baulked by an Alfa Guilia Sprint that started a minute ahead but still got in the top eight while on the third I made a right pigs ear of things and went straight on at hairpin around half way up. The car ran well faults being, lose of handbrake (overuse), strange persistant misfire below 1200rpm (lived with and got no worse) and, oh yes. I cracked the exhaust manifold. Luckily I have a spare, all I need is Lin to fit it!
I will write something for V/L. 

Title: Re: Fulvia exhaust manifold removal
Post by: lancialulu on 05 July, 2009, 06:40:59 PM
Whahey survived to tell the tale. Will you be at AGM?


Title: Re: Fulvia exhaust manifold removal
Post by: peterbaker on 05 July, 2009, 07:30:48 PM
Competing on Ross Traders in the Appia on Sat but will be at AGM on Sunday. Never miss an AGM!