Title: Bristol Meeting July 2009 - "On The (Cotswold) Edge" - THE RETURN Post by: sparehead3 on 15 July, 2009, 10:58:54 AM eeeek ... it's nearly a month gone by already ! Here are the instructions for the return journey. All welcome and I can return via the Huntsman if anyone wants to leave a car and catch a ride ...
.... We planning to meet at the Huntsman Inn, FALFIELD (M5 J14) at 7:30pm , to leave at 7:45 and then to be at the Compass for 8:45 ... still in daylight and still enough time for a social chat. All welcome - an email reminder will go out nearer the time Here is the plan : http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=Bristol+Rd,+Falfield,+Wotton-under-Edge,+Gloucestershire,+GL12+8DF+(The+Huntsman+House)&daddr=B4066%2FSelsley+Hill+to:B4066%2FUley+Rd+to:51.649129,-2.332535+to:compass+inn,+tormarton&hl=en&geocode=FXTkEwMdOXTa_yF29av9qH7Cgw%3BFcBoFQMd5s3d_w%3BFeiMFAMdpofc_w%3B%3BFWnuEQMdID7c_yHBPxGHTO7qIQ&mra=dpe&mrcr=0&mrsp=3&sz=11&via=1,2,3&sll=51.673833,-2.298889&sspn=0.242287,0.609055&ie=UTF8&t=h&ll=51.645294,-2.421112&spn=0.24244,0.609055&z=11 Title: Re: Bristol Meeting July 2009 - "On The (Cotswold) Edge" - THE RETURN Post by: sparehead3 on 24 July, 2009, 01:44:02 PM Just as an update , we managed the route with no rain till the last couple of minutes on the A46. We all kept together (!) and the roads were pretty quiet. 6 cars made the trip : integrale, Beta, Thema and Dedra and two Alfas. We even kept to the schedule.