Lancia Motor Club

Model Technical and Interest => Flaminia => Topic started by: Lindsay on 20 July, 2009, 07:27:54 AM

Title: One for David L - not Flaminia related admittedly!
Post by: Lindsay on 20 July, 2009, 07:27:54 AM
Just been having a squint on the upcoming DVLA reg auction. A plate for David Laver...


If you are that way inclined and have £900 plus to burn!

Title: Re: One for David L - not Flaminia related admittedly!
Post by: JohnMillham on 20 July, 2009, 08:09:58 AM
I was once offered M111HAM a few years ago. My mother thought it was a great idea, but I didn't - especially at £1,000. I thought it was very enterprising of the seller to contact me, though. I used to have 209D on my B12, but swapped it for a case of wine with a friend who now has it on his Jaguar.
Regards, John

Title: Re: One for David L - not Flaminia related admittedly!
Post by: Dilambdaman on 20 July, 2009, 03:16:05 PM
I found LAC1E (LACEY) in Exchange and Mart in the early 70s on a scrap Mk 2 Cortina. Paid £210 for it and sold the car same day to one of my employees for £10 for banger racing! Its on the Thema at present so worth more than the car! Had lots of people contact me in various ways offering to buy it from me but somehow I think that Jonathan sees it as part of his inheritance.

Only difficulty I've encountered with it is that people often assume that that's the way I spell my name. Margaret reckons that its the only registration number she has ever been able to remember.

One that has always remained in the memory was on a Rolls Royce parked outside Earls Court/Olympia 40 odd years ago. UPU 2. Classic eh!?


Title: Re: One for David L - not Flaminia related admittedly!
Post by: DavidLaver on 20 July, 2009, 04:26:16 PM

Interesting!!   Not my cup of tea - but the first time I've seen a "relevant" plate.  Am trying to think who in the family would be tempted...

If I was selling it I'd go to the (unrelated) timber merchant Lavers.  Its an unusual name so I got the shock of my life the first time I saw it down the side of one of their trucks.

They are at
