Title: Snetterton ding dong Post by: DavidLaver on 22 July, 2009, 01:30:17 PM Every dog has his day and Chris managed to sneak past Tim a couple of times and I caught it on camera. Tim was struggling for grip and power so expect "normal service will be resumed" next time but what a thrill to see the race long ding dong.
Its not the best of cameras, and photoshop is playing up so sorry not cropped better, but thought I'd share as is - "quantity not quality" in the hope you get a sense of the Battle Royal. "I thought they were on the same team" was one comment in the paddock!! Louise was well up the road, and had a good couple of scraps in the midfield. Word is Kevin might come over for Thruxton - who'd like to see FOUR of them on track? What's more its a double header. Perhaps an excuse for an Aurelia gathering and have a few of the road cars lined up? It also begs the question how many it could be on track... Adam's car is all-but ready. What happend to the Hussey B20? Would John Savage's car ever come out of retirement? What other Aurelias have raced? David Title: Re: Snetterton ding dong Post by: DavidLaver on 22 July, 2009, 01:36:02 PM ...and some more... David Title: Re: Snetterton ding dong Post by: DavidLaver on 22 July, 2009, 01:44:08 PM I only wish I could share the soundtrack. One day I'll work out how to get my C20th VHSs to YouTube. Its a great grid and grown up driving: as with Silverstone a real treat to watch. David Title: Re: Snetterton ding dong Post by: Kevin MacBride on 22 July, 2009, 02:10:09 PM Yep, the plan is to make Thruxton in September. A friend is coming along, so we'll do a race each. This is providing the car survives the Phoenix Park races in a few weeks.
Title: Re: Snetterton ding dong Post by: fay66 on 22 July, 2009, 04:26:07 PM David,
Not a lot wrong with the photos that I can see & they certainly capture the action, was the Alpine/tiger being squeezed on the corner by Tim & Chris or was he diving through the inside? Brian 8227 8) Title: Re: Snetterton ding dong Post by: DavidLaver on 22 July, 2009, 05:00:37 PM They left room on the inside, and lap after lap left room for each other even if I did wince more than once watching them. There was lots of VERY close racing all the way down the field with many race long battles. They get a good long race as well. In the photo with Chris ahead he's in a full-on steering-straight-ahead four-wheel-drift, clipped both apexes perfectly, but alas was over the kerb on the exit, onto the grass, and without the traction Tim steamed past again. He got past somewhere else "down the other end" but I missed it. Chris would come from maybe six lengths behind into the Bomb Hole, be gaining fast into Coram, have the benifit of momentum down towards Russell (where most of the pics were taken) and then it would be a question of who had the line and momentum through the left right. The photo of the pack going under a bridge is at the very end of the Revett Straight into The Esses. http://www.btccpages.com/circuits/Snetterton/ http://www.evo.co.uk/trackdays/circuitguide/234047/circuit_in_detail.html David Title: Re: Snetterton ding dong Post by: Jai Sharma on 22 July, 2009, 09:42:10 PM Looks super!