Title: Absolute howler by Auto Italia... Post by: fensaddler on 07 August, 2009, 11:39:44 AM '40th anniversary of the Lancia Delta' shouts the front cover of this month's Auto Italia, next to a picture of my car, and then goes on to exclaim how unbelievable it is that such an anniversary has been reached. Yes, of course it is chaps, because its only 30 years, given that the car was only launched in 1979, and unless I've lost ten years somewhere, its 2009 and not 2019... :-[ I wonder if they have realised yet, because it'll be on the front cover, all over the article inside, and its all over the website. Get them now, they'll be collectors editions once the penny drops and they all get pulped... :o
Title: Re: Absolute howler by Auto Italia... Post by: fay66 on 07 August, 2009, 12:19:18 PM I wonder where they got their infoormation from? If I remember rightly CLS made the same mistake on something they put out earlier this year.
Brian 8227 8) Title: Re: Absolute howler by Auto Italia... Post by: sparehead3 on 07 August, 2009, 12:31:59 PM :) I subscribe so hopefully will get the magazine soon (like tomorrow!)
Still, looks we (me , you and Andy) are now the coverboyz :) It is a bit of a basic mistook ... Title: Re: Absolute howler by Auto Italia... Post by: fensaddler on 07 August, 2009, 01:58:51 PM And the second howler also on the webpage - 'It was the Delta that was hit hardest by the "rusty Lancias" expose'.
Sorry? There was me thinking that La Rantzen got her evil claws into the Beta...? Title: Re: Absolute howler by Auto Italia... Post by: stuwilson128 on 07 August, 2009, 02:40:15 PM I emailed Auto Italia about their error. The response is below:
Stuart, Thanks for your email. A pretty obvious error in the light of day. We did have big problems in getting the issue to press and the error was not noticed in time. Regards, Phil Ward Title: Re: Absolute howler by Auto Italia... Post by: sparehead3 on 07 August, 2009, 03:12:27 PM They'd better increase the size of their Inbox ... I can't imagine yours will be the only email ...
Title: Re: Absolute howler by Auto Italia... Post by: fay66 on 07 August, 2009, 07:41:40 PM I wonder where they got their infoormation from? If I remember rightly CLS made the same mistake on something they put out earlier this year. My apologies to CLS, they only said it was 35 years -see my posting.Brian 8227 8) Brian 8227 8) Delta 286 General / General Chat / Celebrating your Lancia and 35 years of Lancia Delta in 2009 on: 16 March, 2009, 11:36:44 PM Club Lancia Sport have sent out an email to a friend advertising events to coincide with "35 Years of the Lancia Delta in 2009". It's either an error, or someone has got their calculations wrong. Title: Re: Absolute howler by Auto Italia... Post by: toby2449 on 09 August, 2009, 05:18:46 PM now i don't buy every issue of Auto Italia (its can be hard to get here) but i'm gonna make a point of getting the current issue! Title: Re: Absolute howler by Auto Italia... Post by: sparehead3 on 17 August, 2009, 12:47:32 PM I finally got to read this yesterday ... good article both on the Delta and the Montecarlo. I'd have to agree with Andy and say that a Prisma should have been included in the line up as it was mentioned in the article. The photos were great considering the weather wasn't.
Title: Re: Absolute howler by Auto Italia... Post by: fensaddler on 17 August, 2009, 02:28:55 PM Though Andy and I are apparently CLS members, and LMC gets no mention anywhere... >:(
Title: Re: Absolute howler by Auto Italia... Post by: sparehead3 on 17 August, 2009, 02:38:53 PM Splitters! ;)
Yeah, well I wasn't going to groan about that Title: Re: Absolute howler by Auto Italia... Post by: stuwilson128 on 17 August, 2009, 09:20:37 PM Though Andy and I are apparently CLS members, and LMC gets no mention anywhere... >:( I noticed that, but didn't want to offend you by asking! I also noticed that in the Montecarlo article, it states that the Beta coupe was sold in America as the Zagato. Correct me if I am wrong, but was it not the case that it was infact the Beta Spider that was sold as the Zagato and not the coupe? Title: Re: Absolute howler by Auto Italia... Post by: St Volumex on 18 August, 2009, 04:12:35 AM Correct me if I am wrong, but was it not the case that it was infact the Beta Spider that was sold as the Zagato and not the coupe? You're right (and modest about it too) Stu! ;D |