Title: Aurelia, with haystack and... Post by: Sebastien on 09 August, 2009, 04:29:00 PM Enjoyable morning today, spent following one another on curvy roads. Nice to see such cars used, and not only auctionned for ever greater figures!
Some similar shapes, although design 10 years apart. The greater rear window is a definitive improvement for rear vision. Title: Re: Aurelia, with haystack and... Post by: Sliding Pillar on 09 August, 2009, 06:03:35 PM ............and on wet roads the one on the right is as quick as the one on the left!
Title: Re: Aurelia, with haystack and... Post by: Sebastien on 10 August, 2009, 07:32:18 AM From another angle....
Title: Re: Aurelia, with haystack and... Post by: adrian donovan on 18 November, 2009, 10:31:34 PM Just seen these - great photo's Sebastien! - and Ade - I'm not sure you're right - it may be a Lusso version of the SWB - but they were quite quick!!
Title: Re: Aurelia, with haystack and... Post by: GG on 20 November, 2009, 03:08:36 AM Clearly the one with the higher roofline is the more substantial car.