Title: Restoration stories Post by: fensaddler on 14 January, 2010, 10:56:34 PM Alright, now I know I'm getting boring, because I keep on banging this particular drum, but some of our friends in the press really like resto stories. I have specific requests for home restoration features involving a number of models, including (but not exclusive to) Fulvia (any variant including berlina), Gamma, Beta and Monte. It need not be recent, so long as you still have the car, and have some photographic record and general recollection of the work, sufficient to recount it to the nice friendly journalist, and work is complete to the point where you have a running, road legal car (never mind the next stage to do list, we've all got one of those...). Come on, what's out there?
Contact: press(at)lanciamc.co.uk Title: Re: Restoration stories Post by: fay66 on 15 January, 2010, 12:33:23 AM Hi Chris,
"Fays" Available ;D Brian 8227 8) |