Title: VSCC POMEROY TROPHY Post by: peterbaker on 28 February, 2010, 06:45:45 PM I was disappointed that out of some one hundred and twenty cars entered on the 'Pom' there was not one Lancia. Why, I have no idea as the event caters for both young and old. Anyway we have pics on www.retro-speed.co.uk. as well as news updates.
Title: Re: VSCC POMEROY TROPHY Post by: JohnMillham on 01 March, 2010, 11:12:43 AM There was a Dellta entered, but he didn't turn up at Silverstone. The notes are hardly readable. Regards, John
Title: Re: VSCC POMEROY TROPHY Post by: peterbaker on 01 March, 2010, 01:43:33 PM Sorry John, which notes?