Lancia Motor Club

General => General Chat => Topic started by: thecolonel on 29 March, 2010, 08:55:02 PM

Title: I really miss :
Post by: thecolonel on 29 March, 2010, 08:55:02 PM
Thing I really miss,

the Corona lorry coming round every week with bottles of pop
sweet chewing tobacco (coconut)
wilko mints
everlasting toffee

Man from U.N.C.L.E.
Man in a Suitcase

Empty roads
Petrol at 3s 6d (a gallon)
Police that gave you a B*ll*cking instead of a ticket
Driving at 60 mph and thinking it was really fast

Your turn

Title: Re: I really miss :
Post by: ncundy on 29 March, 2010, 09:34:00 PM
Honk Kong Phooey
WKRP in Cincinnati
Decent indie music and venues
Scrap yards you could wander around
Ronnie Peterson
Derby County in Europe
Sherbert dips
Student holidays


Title: Re: I really miss :
Post by: DavidLaver on 30 March, 2010, 10:39:38 AM

Michael Benteen's potty time
Sherbert lemons
Scrap yards as climbing challanges
Three channel TV
Borrowing dad's car
Accepting mole grips as a means of gripping an odd size nut
Lessons outside
Collecting photos from the developers
The ambition to one day race an Aurelia

...and for you its???

Title: Re: I really miss :
Post by: sparehead3 on 30 March, 2010, 12:14:35 PM
character mode
doctor who in five parts
a "choice" of one mobile phone (that just made phone calls)
the friday rock show
being hoem at 4pm having tea and dipping biscuits

Title: Re: I really miss :
Post by: fensaddler on 30 March, 2010, 12:28:47 PM
Eddie Shoestring
Rallycross from Lydden Hill on TV
RAC Rallies that lasted five days, had 180 entrants (including Stratos and Saab 99s), and ran through Sutton Park
Vinyl records
Being at university
Katjes fruit sweets (last seen at Sainsburys some time in the early 90s)
Having my whole life ahead of me
My grandmother
Quiet Sundays
Being fit enough to play football without feeling old
John Peel
Proper old fashioned nee-naw police sirens
Believing that the problems of the world could be solved
My cat

Title: Re: I really miss :
Post by: Harvey on 30 March, 2010, 05:38:11 PM
Fighting with my sister over who sat on the part of the vinyl seat that had been in the sun.
Playing with "proper" Lego (none of this fancy moulded stuff).
Toast with golden syrup for Saturday tea in the front room (children banned 6 days per week).
Enough hours in the day to do everything, and still some spare to declare "I'm bored".
Sherbet Dips.

Title: Re: I really miss :
Post by: Scarpia on 30 March, 2010, 05:40:34 PM
Driving at 60 mph and thinking it was really fast

Colonel, in a Gamma, it is ......
I miss the time before mobile phones existed (because I could still do my job then perfectly well without one).

Title: Re: I really miss :
Post by: SteveGales on 30 March, 2010, 07:19:48 PM much better than SwapShop
Sally James
The 6 week school summer holidays....the sun was always shining when you went outside after watching Robinson Crusoe, Banana Splits.
Scalextric before 'magnatraction'.
Sally James.
Apprenticeship years with B Gas, learning how to drop a 'sorry you were out card' through the letterbox, when customer's were in.
Driving before speed cameras.
Days when 'elf n safety' belonged in the workplace
Pretty F1 cars such as JPS Lotus72 or the last good looking F1 car, the first '7UP' Jordan.
Full size Wagon Wheels, or is it because my hands are now bigger.

Oh, and did I mention Sally James ;)

Title: Re: I really miss :
Post by: sparehead3 on 30 March, 2010, 08:35:46 PM
Sunshine ......

Title: Re: I really miss :
Post by: Betaboy2.0 on 31 March, 2010, 07:46:57 AM

Lancia dealers

Title: Re: I really miss :
Post by: Paul Greenway on 31 March, 2010, 07:10:54 PM
Car magazines that were fair & reasonable in their verdicts, when Audi's, Beemer's & Merc's where slated and italian marques were praised for their products.
Seeing Lancia's regularly on our roads.
Lancia building grand touring coupes rather than people carriers.
Texan bars- A mans gotta chew what a mans gotta chew.
Space Dust.
Addidas Teneriffa shoes.
The Obsevers book of Automobiles.
The Ladybird book of Cars.
The 50p pint.
Leeds United in the premiership.
Deltics & Tommys.
No tailbacks on my daily commutes.
The pound being worth something.
Casio FX730P.
Wigan Casino.
RAC rally going through the "Haigh Hall" special stage in Wigan in the Group B days

Title: Re: I really miss :
Post by: Martin D on 01 April, 2010, 09:38:58 AM

what a brilliant thread; well done colonel.

stingray (and thunderbirds )
robinson crusoe, the b+w one
the persuaders
my mum's christmas cake
going on holiday to France an being "away in a foreign country"
our dog dino
buying size 28 jeans, we wore em tight in '76
having to choose from only 3 or 4 tv channels
the summer of 75, 76, 77, ........
sainsbury's jam tarts, box of 6, 2 x red, 2 x yellow, and 2 x vivid emerald green
New Towns still looking new
knowing where all 6 local potholes were
proper music, where you couldn't understand the words and there was no tune
when the biggest decision was what shall I colour-in today ? ( Oh no, I still do that )

Title: Re: I really miss :
Post by: peterbaker on 01 April, 2010, 12:39:14 PM
I miss cricket, the bruises and broken fingers
And having to count loose change
While waiting for the 93 bus

I miss Brands Hatch and the long drive to Snetterton
Even more I miss Jim Clark

I miss every car Ive ever owned

Title: Re: I really miss :
Post by: rogerelias on 01 April, 2010, 02:10:55 PM
being able to see my feet ;) ;) and having good eyesight ::)

Title: Re: I really miss :
Post by: chugga boom on 01 April, 2010, 03:19:09 PM
being able to see my feet ;) ;) and having good eyesight ::)

i miss my school yrs (because i didnt have to pay for anything!!)
i miss my 32 inch waste
i miss the energy i had 10 yrs ago and the fact i could stay out all night and not be tired
i miss time going slower than what it seems to now
i miss my grale  :'(
i miss my blue fulvia too
i miss "lack of responsibility" employing drives me mad!!!
i really really miss a gallon of petrol for £2 !!, i remember this when i was 11yrs old my weeks pocket money to go in the appia's tank to drive around my mum and dads field, i'm sure theres more......................

Title: Re: I really miss :
Post by: andymc on 01 April, 2010, 04:37:19 PM
Camera free roads
Michael Bentine's Pottytime
The Banana splits
Cowhorns on my pushbike
Mum's cooking
FA Cup final day.... setting up for the whole day and the whole BBC V ITV debate
Liverpool FC winning stuff
LP Records
Not being in my 30's

Title: Re: I really miss :
Post by: St Volumex on 02 April, 2010, 05:55:36 AM
Picturesque, traditional, rural African villages instead of shanty towns and squatter camps.

Colonialism – when Angola, Mozambique, Congo, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Somalia and Sudan were not known for civil war, land mines, corruption, election rigging, dictators, genocide, rape, starvation and anarchy.

P&O mailships – when the foghorn blew, streamers were thrown from the quay by friends wishing passengers a 'bon voyage'.  Steamboat tugs.

Overnight SAR steam train trips – eating dinner in the teak dining car at tables decked with starched linen table cloths and napkins, porcelain china, chrystal, and silver.

Waiters dressed in a dinner jacket, bow tie, and white gloves, who called people “Sir” and “Madam”.

Cream teas at John Orrs, Greatermans, and Ansteys department stores, and uniformed lift operators (bellhops) who recited a long list of what was sold on each floor.

Massive family Guy Fawkes celebrations – when 200 'Tom Thumbs' cost 2½d.

Good English spoken on London streets, especially before the EU.

Public Transport before the minibus taxi.

Street corners and traffic lights without beggars and street vendors. Driving with the windows down and the doors unlocked.

B.T. – Before Terrorism, when the AK47 was unknown.

Unprecocious children with nice manners.

Safe drinking water, and swimming in dams and rivers unpolluted by sewage.

Turboprop aircraft like the 'Viscount' and 'Constellation'.

Formula One before Bernie. Murray Walker, Jim Clarke, Ayrton Senna, Alain Prost, Nigel Mansell...

Buying Lancia spares at T.A.K. Motors in Anderson street Jo'burg.

The Lancia Martini rally and race teams. Walter Rohrl, Markku Alen, Miki Biasion, Henri Toivonen, Cesare Fiorio...

Title: Re: I really miss :
Post by: Dilambdaman on 21 April, 2010, 11:28:47 AM

            My Mum & Dad
            4 gallons of petrol for less than £1
            Bells on emergency vehicles
            Separate packet of salt in a bag of crisps and only plain crisps at that
            Fish & chips in newspaper
            1960s France
            Drop The Dead Donkey
            I'm Sorry I'll Read That Again on steam radio
            Frank Willet's scrap yard
            Life before mobile phones
            Harry Manning
            Shops closed on Sundays and no retail parks or garden centres

Better stop before I'm accused of being a grumpy old man :o

Title: Re: I really miss :
Post by: fay66 on 21 April, 2010, 05:32:42 PM
Quote-"Better stop before I'm accused of being a grumpy old man" :o,

As they say, "It takes one to know one", and I'd say your past the point of no return :-*


Title: Re: I really miss :
Post by: ian on 01 June, 2010, 10:13:41 PM
Being 16................................................................