Title: Who runs a Trevi? Post by: fay66 on 15 April, 2010, 11:47:09 AM Talking to Tony Field today who as you may, or may not know, has a very lovely Trevi, Tony is interested in finding out who else has a Trevi on/ or fit for the road.
So I'd appreciate it if those owners could please post it on here. Brian 8227 8) Title: Re: Who runs a Trevi? Post by: Thotos on 23 April, 2010, 11:03:38 AM That would be me! ;D http://www.lancia.myzen.co.uk/forum/index.php?topic=2163.msg15426#msg15426 (http://www.lancia.myzen.co.uk/forum/index.php?topic=2163.msg15426#msg15426)
Title: Re: Who runs a Trevi? Post by: Thotos on 27 May, 2011, 12:53:06 PM Not any other Trevis then ??? :-[
Title: Re: Who runs a Trevi? Post by: LanciAlan on 27 May, 2011, 10:10:39 PM Well you saw our Fintan's in Cork ...
(https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-kFV6JyfHPdU/TaK-PheD_7I/AAAAAAAAA7w/4RceqIHq_R4/s640/DSCN0904.JPG) Title: Re: Who runs a Trevi? Post by: HF_Dave on 08 July, 2011, 05:42:08 PM You can contact Fintan kemple on our website www.lanciaireland.com under the name trevi2000. He has a very nice 2000 . Thaanks David :)
Title: Re: Who runs a Trevi? Post by: needmorelancias on 11 October, 2011, 08:59:43 PM i have a trevi too... want some parts for it to get it moted?? please help
Title: Re: Who runs a Trevi? Post by: Thotos on 12 October, 2011, 12:12:16 AM What parts do you need?