Title: SILVERSTONE CLASSIC, 23 - 25 JULY Post by: Martin D on 17 April, 2010, 11:21:20 AM Your car is needed to make a great LMC display at Silverstone and you get to park in the middle of everything, see the details under 2010 events. Martin Dowling. Title: Re: SILVERSTONE CLASSIC, 23 - 25 JULY Post by: Martin M on 18 April, 2010, 11:42:46 PM I would love to but unfortunately I will be in China and the car will be sitting in Switzerland. I will definitely display the car at some event when I will be back. Its going to go into storage for the winter, and some work will be made to further improve it. I think I will be able to display it at some point on a major event in early 2011