Title: Coupe? Post by: lee69 on 12 May, 2010, 09:43:32 PM There are lots of photoshop experiments let loose on the web. Most are pretty appalling, some of the hot Delta creations of recent months in particular. But, this I really like. If only.....
http://www.cwwcardesign.com/cars/lancia_thesis_coupe.html Any opinions? Title: Re: Coupe? Post by: fensaddler on 12 May, 2010, 10:19:48 PM Yes, like that. Very much in the spirit of the Grand Tourers such as the Flaminia Coupes.
Title: Re: Coupe? Post by: thecolonel on 13 May, 2010, 10:31:10 AM did someone mention photoshop of a GT Coupe:
Title: Re: Coupe? Post by: HF_Dave on 13 May, 2010, 09:13:07 PM Yes beautyful profile, I still cant get my head around that FRONT! But it's very stylish like a proper GT :D
Title: Re: Coupe? Post by: Lindsay on 17 June, 2010, 06:09:31 PM There were a couple circulating when the Thesis came out. Both brilliant. A Coupe, not as extended as the one in your link, and a convertible. A lottery win would see both being custom built! Coupe with a Maserati engine put in it, with Lancia cam covers of course, and the convertible with the standard 3.2. If only...............