Lancia Motor Club

Model Technical and Interest => Gamma => Topic started by: thecolonel on 18 July, 2010, 06:43:08 PM

Title: 'thecolonel' makes (another) mistake
Post by: thecolonel on 18 July, 2010, 06:43:08 PM
So I'm on my way to the Lancia Motor Club AGM heading along a motoway at a "reasonable"
speed when, all of a sudden, splutter, change lanes, splutter, change lanes, cough - head
for the hard shoulder. engine dies, restart make 27 yds stall, restart 24 yds stall, this goes
on for 2 miles until I can get off the motorway.

So I check fuel flow, must be a the fuel pump, no problem install the spare in the engine bay
sorted...... No, still the same, bypass the regulator to increase pressure and manage to just
make the venue after another couple of stops.

Right then change rear fuel filter and install new pump, still no joy and it later turns out the
new pump is faulty. Three hours later with the help of Tony we open the carb to find the
needle jet that sits above the fuel float has come unscrewed and is only allowing 1/3 of the
bowl to fill up hence the short distances achieved with the restarts.

Get ready to set off home and then find the pump I've fitted is intermittant so I have to refit
the old one - which once again works perfectly.

Life with a Gamma Huh, never dull but often surprising

Thanks to Tony for his help, Steve for watching, Andy for being amusing, Charles for his advice, Harvey for being Harvey
Paul for his morale boosting and of course anyone who took the "P"

Still the fastest Gamma in Hampshire
Sorry forgot Peter and his 11mm spanner

Title: Re: 'thecolonel' makes (another) mistake
Post by: sparehead3 on 18 July, 2010, 06:57:23 PM
Glad to watch :) this was a very different sort of 'well oiled colonel' tho ....

Title: Re: 'thecolonel' makes (another) mistake
Post by: stuwilson128 on 18 July, 2010, 10:19:11 PM
this was a very different sort of 'well oiled colonel' tho ....

As I think this photo shows!

Title: Re: 'thecolonel' makes (another) mistake
Post by: thecolonel on 18 July, 2010, 10:27:14 PM
Scruffy bugger, but, still smiling.

Title: Re: 'thecolonel' makes (another) mistake
Post by: thecolonel on 18 July, 2010, 10:45:23 PM
Oh, I did meet a pretty good bunch at Chieveley services, Petrolhead Nirvana.
"the heard me arrive" and came over to check the car, Chap even knew what
it was. They'd just done a few hundred miles around Wales, not without a
few mishaps, TVR fuel pump, Lotus alternator etc.

See it's not just Gamma's

Title: Re: 'thecolonel' makes (another) mistake
Post by: Harvey on 19 July, 2010, 04:10:20 PM
Stu, there's a Gamma behind with its bonnet closed... was that careful timing on your part?  (Edited for grammar. The shame! ::))

Title: Re: 'thecolonel' makes (another) mistake
Post by: stuwilson128 on 19 July, 2010, 04:34:15 PM
Stu, there's a Gamma behind with it's bonnet closed... was that careful timing on your part?

Must admit that I hadn't noticed  :-[