Title: Our Family's Lancia Beta. Post by: HF_Dave on 05 August, 2010, 10:10:55 PM I have my Fathers beta in storage in a garage not far from my own home. I had a problem accessing the car for a number of years, about ten years approx,(this is a long story) my first visit to the garage was last sunday evening. I started a restoration on the car fifteen years ago and then I had to leave it. I am going to remove the car next saturday and I should have a few pictures to post of the opperation. All I have to say is the car was a lot better wheh i left it years ago, now one of the head lamps is broken and the roof has been leaking in on top of it. ??? I had the car painted and I was ready to re-fit the engine. I ay be looking for advice and a few bits to sort it out. Thanks. David :-\
Title: Re: Our Family's Lancia Beta. Post by: HF_Dave on 07 August, 2010, 12:47:12 PM Bonus points if you can find the car in the first few photos............... :-\
Title: Re: Our Family's Lancia Beta. Post by: HF_Dave on 07 August, 2010, 12:52:25 PM After filling a full skip we finally un-earthed the Beta. It's in not to bad condition, the roof only collapsed a couple of weeks ago so the car was fairly dry, we're going to go at it next Saturday again. Wish us luck. ;D
Title: Re: Our Family's Lancia Beta. Post by: fay66 on 07 August, 2010, 01:29:50 PM After filling a full skip we finally un-earthed the Beta. It's in not to bad condition, the roof only collapsed a couple of weeks ago so the car was fairly dry, we're going to go at it next Saturday again. Wish us luck. ;D Good Heavens above :o, what a shame, did you have neighbours from hell, fancy just chucking all that rubbish in there like that, hope it all works out ok for you and you get it out in one piece. Good Luck Brian 8227 8) Title: Re: Our Family's Lancia Beta. Post by: chugga boom on 07 August, 2010, 05:59:17 PM fair play the car looks a good one tho!!!!
Title: Re: Our Family's Lancia Beta. Post by: Kevin MacBride on 09 August, 2010, 01:26:57 PM I see you even have a kitchen sink in there as well...
I look forward to seeing this in the flesh, my dads Beta was the same colour, with orange velour interior !! Title: Re: Our Family's Lancia Beta. Post by: HF_Dave on 09 August, 2010, 06:43:15 PM Hi Kevin, This Beta is the same,1970s hearing aid biege with orange nylon interior, velour is to posh a name for this, I have the interior tucked away in my attic at home. The engine is in my Dad's garage in bits! but it's all there. I just have to remember how it all goes back, I think if I had another car beside it it would be easy to copy where everything goes :P
Title: Re: Our Family's Lancia Beta. Post by: HF_Dave on 27 December, 2010, 04:43:31 PM The Beta was liberated on December the 23rd, I was up to my nuts in snow but I managed with the help of my nephew to extract it and push it the length of the lane through the six inches of snow to the main road. The beta is now with the body shop and Shane the propietor is going to start work on it in the new year. Watch this space. ;D