Lancia Motor Club

Buy, Sell and Search => Lancia vehicles for sale => Topic started by: thecolonel on 19 August, 2010, 12:57:10 PM

Title: Ser II 1.3 Fulvia
Post by: thecolonel on 19 August, 2010, 12:57:10 PM
Open to offers: Ser II 1.3 Fulvia Coupe, Blue with cream interior.

This coupe will need a FULL restoration as has been stored under a carport since 2003

Only the brave need apply.


Title: Re: Ser II 1.3 Fulvia
Post by: thecolonel on 02 September, 2010, 01:11:56 PM
Ok, last chance to take on this project

Title: Re: Ser II 1.3 Fulvia
Post by: peteracs on 03 September, 2010, 07:46:23 AM

Brave maybe, occaisionally stupid, do you have any pictures of it available?



Title: Re: Ser II 1.3 Fulvia
Post by: thecolonel on 03 September, 2010, 10:54:41 AM
I'll take some for you and post them up


Title: Re: Ser II 1.3 Fulvia
Post by: peteracs on 03 September, 2010, 03:41:52 PM
Hi Geoff



Title: Re: Ser II 1.3 Fulvia
Post by: thecolonel on 04 September, 2010, 02:23:16 PM
hope these will help

Title: Re: Ser II 1.3 Fulvia
Post by: thecolonel on 04 September, 2010, 02:24:06 PM

Title: Re: Ser II 1.3 Fulvia
Post by: peteracs on 04 September, 2010, 05:26:05 PM
Hi Geoff

Ok, a few questions if that is ok...

1) How much rust is there in the body etc?
2) Is there any in areas which are real cost areas when restoring that you know of?
3) Where is it located?
4) Is it essentially complete?
5) How much are you wanting for it...?



Title: Re: Ser II 1.3 Fulvia
Post by: thecolonel on 04 September, 2010, 07:33:37 PM
Hi Peter, Thanks for the interest,

there is a hole in the floor, the arches are very poor, top of windscreen is corroded
and it really needs a replacement bonnet,

I can't really comment on costs as normally I would do everything myself, it's really
a case of having no time anymore.

The car is complete and also comes with spare bumpers/trim sections etc.
Also I'm due to collect a replacement fuel tank tomorrow.

I have sill sections and subframe boxes, front wing repair panels, spare rear screens,
spare headlight trims and other bits.

Location is Southampton

value, I don't know, I would probably take any reasonable amount rather than weigh it in.


I also have spare front calipers which need a refurb, discs that can be re-surfaced
several sets of solex carbs, old radiators, alternator, old doors/bootlid

Title: Re: Ser II 1.3 Fulvia
Post by: fay66 on 04 September, 2010, 11:45:03 PM
Hi Peter, Thanks for the interest,

there is a hole in the floor, the arches are very poor, top of windscreen is corroded
and it really needs a replacement bonnet,

I can't really comment on costs as normally I would do everything myself, it's really
a case of having no time anymore.

The car is complete and also comes with spare bumpers/trim sections etc.
Also I'm due to collect a replacement fuel tank tomorrow.

I have sill sections and subframe boxes, front wing repair panels, spare rear screens,
spare headlight trims and other bits.

Location is Southampton

value, I don't know, I would probably take any reasonable amount rather than weigh it in.


I also have spare front calipers which need a refurb, discs that can be re-surfaced
several sets of solex carbs, old radiators, alternator, old doors/bootlid
I've certainly seen worse!

8227 8)

Title: Re: Ser II 1.3 Fulvia
Post by: peteracs on 05 September, 2010, 07:55:39 AM
Hi Geoff

Ok, you have my interest, but as I am feeling rather skint at the moment (large bill to renovate the body on the Spyder I have!), no idea on weigh in values and not wishing to upset you with a derisory offer!, can you suggest a value you would be happy with for the car + items you want to move on?



Title: Re: Ser II 1.3 Fulvia
Post by: thecolonel on 05 September, 2010, 05:27:41 PM
Ah, the old "putting you on the spot" routine, well after serious consideration
I suppose in the region of £600 although I am easily beaten down up and I quite
enjoy a good haggle.

Don't make a snap decision, have a think about it and let me know later.


Title: Re: Ser II 1.3 Fulvia
Post by: peteracs on 06 September, 2010, 07:47:08 AM
Hi Geoff

Thanks, I will have a think about it and let you have my reply via email as think it is more appropriate to continue offline from the forum...

All the best
