Title: FULVIA 3 Radio blanking panel Post by: super_golfer on 06 September, 2010, 08:54:04 PM Anyone have a FULVIA 3 radio blanking panel for sale please?
Cheers Gil Title: Re: FULVIA 3 Radio blanking panel Post by: lancialulu on 06 September, 2010, 09:14:22 PM Believe Omicron may have some. They did when I went hunting for an S2 one a couple of years ago.
Tim Title: Re: FULVIA 3 Radio blanking panel Post by: Richard Fridd on 23 September, 2010, 04:54:58 PM if it was an earlier model using the 'fulvia' part of a surplus rear panel script fastened to a matt black background could be an effective temporary measure.best regards richard