Title: Clutch Woes Post by: angelorange on 30 October, 2010, 08:18:32 AM Thanks to Neale Shepherd for his super engineering skills and provision of replacement thrust bearing!
Pics show old one turned to shrapnel and also new engine stay ( Neale's own development). Title: Re: Clutch Woes Post by: fay66 on 30 October, 2010, 08:44:14 AM Thanks to Neale Shepherd for his super engineering skills and provision of replacement thrust bearing! does the stay fit the series 1 Fulvia's with the pillar mounted fan?Pics show old one turned to shrapnel and also new engine stay ( Neale's own development). Brian 8227 8) Title: Re: Clutch Woes Post by: Angle Grinder on 30 October, 2010, 12:05:23 PM How long was the Bearing rumbling for before it disintegrated?
My Flavia Coupe has had a noisy bearing since I got her at 98K miles. The service history shows that it was replaced around the 72K mile mark and the car is now on 99,800 miles.... 27K miles seems a bit poor for a bearing, but this is my first experience of running a Flavia so maybe not? I've got a spare gearbox with a bearing that seems OK, but does anyone know if new Flavia bearings are still available at reasonable prices (i.e under a £100). Title: Re: Clutch Woes Post by: angelorange on 31 October, 2010, 05:33:20 PM The bearing disintegrated after around 80 miles normal road driving but after full race at mallory so it was under quite some pressure there and before that had sat lying in an old Fulvia g-box for many years.
The Support was designed to fit S1 Fulvia Sport Competizione (Zagato) - ask Neale Shepherd for more info. Title: Re: Clutch Woes Post by: LanciAlan on 01 November, 2010, 08:21:08 PM .... does anyone know if new Flavia bearings are still available at reasonable prices (i.e under a £100). Not sure if you are a member of the Flavia Consortium and you may mean "new" when you say "new" but they recently fixed me up with a reconditioned clutch release bearing (new bearing installed in second-hand housing). After the cost of the bearing AND Consortium membership you would still have change out of £100. The Consortium also offers availability and good value in reconditioned Flavia water pumps (I recently heard of a prominent Lancia parts supplier asking over 4 times the Consortium price - though that may have been for a new original pump) and access to many, though not all, other hard to get Flavia items. I understand Fulvia and Flavia clutch release bearings are similar but different (being presumably designed for different clutch loadings) though I expect that as some Fulvia/Flavia gearboxes are physically interchangeable so too are the release bearings, if perhaps at the expense of shorter life if used with the wrong clutch plate? I had engine and gearbox out following gearbox input shaft ("quill shaft"?) failure last year [pic] and this was something I really didn't want to take a chance on by finding after reassembly that I had matched the wrong things together. Happily everything worked fine - though I do have noise in the replacement gearbox both at idle while stationery and while in motion .... except in top I think - I find the "going fast theory of worrying noise abatement" applies. Alan |