Title: 6J x 14 Cromodoras Post by: bruciebonuz on 17 December, 2010, 11:33:26 AM I am looking for a spare set of these for my Fulvia HF....I know they are hard to come by but if anyone has any collecting dust then please do let me know.
jonpstevenson@aol.com Thanks Jonathan Title: Re: 6J x 14 Cromodoras Post by: murf on 02 January, 2011, 05:33:09 PM Hi Jonathan, I have just uncovered 4, 51/2" x 14" cromodoras in the shed while deperately trying to make room for yet more clutter cast off by one of my daughters. I bought them some years ago along with a load of other bits and pieces to help with the fulvia restoration project that I seem unable to find the time to start. They look pretty sound although the hub centres which came with them are still missing. Let me know if they are of interest. My mobile is 07921489571
Kind regards, Murf. Title: Re: 6J x 14 Cromodoras Post by: bruciebonuz on 06 January, 2011, 11:40:11 AM Thanks Murf but its the 6J x 14s I am after and have hopefully sorted some now. Thanks a lot for the reply though.