Title: Thema Alloys - 15" Post by: murf on 09 January, 2011, 06:37:38 PM Ok so I'm getting obsessive about this alpine trip thats been planned by one of my daughters for late February, but having bought a pair of snow chains and put my name down for Sliding Pillar's snow tyres I am now thinking it would be a good idea to get some rims to fit them to.
This would avoid having to disturb the excellent Avons that are currently on the SW or the mix that I've got on the 8 valve. Does anyone have a set of 15" Thema alloys that they would be prepared to sell. I'm not looking for concours finish to them but straight runnable rims. Please call me on 07921489571. Kind regards, Murf. Title: Re: Thema Alloys - 15" Post by: Tideee on 24 January, 2011, 10:06:53 AM Hi Murf,
Have you had any joy finding a set of 15" thema turbo alloys ?? - I have a set of 4 available with mixed tyres but may need them for a few weeks yet. They are not the prettiest, but are round and have at some time had a coating of silver paint - would be ideal for fitting snow tyres and using during your winter trip though ;) Let me know if they are any good for you and I can send you some pics... Cheers :) Title: Re: Thema Alloys - 15" Post by: murf on 25 January, 2011, 10:39:56 AM Hi Tideee, I would certainly be interested in the rims when you have finished with them. Please let me know where you are based and how much you want for them.
Look forward to seeing some pics. My e-mail is petemurf44@yahoo.com and my mobile 07921489571. Kind regards,Murf. Title: Re: Thema Alloys - 15" Post by: Tideee on 04 February, 2011, 03:39:03 PM Sorry Murf - have been mad busy the last week or so - will get the pics over to you this weekend - promise ::)
Title: Re: Thema Alloys - 15" Post by: murf on 04 February, 2011, 09:53:42 PM Hi Tideee, I shall look forward to seeing the pics.
Kind regards, Murf. Title: Re: Thema Alloys - 15" Post by: Tideee on 07 February, 2011, 09:15:23 PM Hi Murf - pictures are with you - let me know if they are what you're looking for.....
Cheers ;) Title: Re: Thema Alloys - 15" Post by: murf on 08 February, 2011, 01:29:34 PM Hi Tideee, Just to let you know that I hav'nt received the pics yet on my e-mail. Just to confirm this is petemurf44@yahoo.com if you want to try sending them again.
Kind regards, Murf. |