Title: New meeting venue for Oxforshire bi-monthly meet Post by: JohnMillham on 22 January, 2011, 10:05:09 AM Jane and Tim have adsvised us of a new meeting place from next month. See attachment - if it works!
Title: Re: New meeting venue for Oxforshire bi-monthly meet Post by: fay66 on 22 January, 2011, 12:11:04 PM Might just be me John,
Initially came up as "Unkown Document", I had to "Save as Target", then "open With", and used 'Word' to open it. Obviously down to what was used to produce the document, being compatible with what the person is using, who is trying to open it. anything like this I usually save as a jpg, and then it opens easily. Brian 8227 8) Title: Re: New meeting venue for Oxforshire bi-monthly meet Post by: JohnMillham on 22 January, 2011, 04:03:21 PM Might just be me John, It's a word document, so I thought it was best to leave it like that, as I'm not confident that I know how to change it. Initially came up as "Unkown Document", I had to "Save as Target", then "open With", and used 'Word' to open it. Obviously down to what was used to produce the document, being compatible with what the person is using, who is trying to open it. anything like this I usually save as a jpg, and then it opens easily. Brian 8227 8) Double clicking on it opens it for me. Regards, John Title: Re: New meeting venue for Oxforshire bi-monthly meet Post by: sparehead3 on 22 January, 2011, 10:27:45 PM Works when I just tried it under Windows7 Word 2007
Title: Re: New meeting venue for Oxforshire bi-monthly meet Post by: Harvey on 23 January, 2011, 11:17:04 AM The extra full stop in the file name might confuse some operating systems. If so, just save it and rename it with .doc at the end and no internal full stops.