Title: Phew, now not Worrying! Post by: zagatoboy on 26 January, 2011, 08:09:36 PM After removing the big ends, mains and pistons tonight all i've found is one broken oil ring on no 1 pot, all big ends worn and just a slight bit of wear on no 2 main, all the rest perfect so no need to remove the block and crank. There are no markings on the shells or pistons to show they have been replaced with oversize one's so all looks standard, nice and easy so far.
Anyone got any advice on the competition head gaskets over the standard, it has been recomended I use one even though the car will not be competing or have a modified engine as they are stronger. Have taken pics and will try to post them again after reading Brians tips. Title: Re: Phew, now not Worrying! Post by: lancialulu on 27 January, 2011, 08:34:18 AM Paul
No need for comp gasget - just use a set of Hi tensile cap screws and touque to 24 ftlb. Tim Title: Re: Phew, now not Worrying! Post by: zagatoboy on 27 January, 2011, 08:54:49 AM Tim
I've sent you some pic's. Tony. |