Lancia Motor Club

General => Press/Media: Lancias mentioned, seen or wanted! => Topic started by: j886atv on 18 February, 2011, 03:28:15 PM

Title: Adrian Flux Insurance
Post by: j886atv on 18 February, 2011, 03:28:15 PM
As a customer of theirs, I get an email newsletter every now and then from them.

The most recent one has an article about our beloved mark - as per the following link :)

Note at the top there are further pages in the articles - has this arisen following the recent association with LMC?

Title: Re: Adrian Flux Insurance
Post by: fensaddler on 18 February, 2011, 07:34:00 PM
Don't know, but I've torn strips off the inaccurate whinging which attempts to pass itself as informed comment in one of the other articles.

Title: Re: Adrian Flux Insurance
Post by: sparehead3 on 18 February, 2011, 09:29:19 PM
If you search their site for integrale you'll see me and mine in there when they wrote an article a while ago about it.

Title: Re: Adrian Flux Insurance
Post by: fensaddler on 20 February, 2011, 10:38:52 PM
I'm being called all sorts of things on there!  The cheek, they must let riff raff in...