Title: Beta - Automatic - Inhibitor Post by: Howard on 24 March, 2011, 05:51:58 PM I started my Beta (started right away as usual!) I drove for approx 20 minutes and then I couldn't start it. A very reliable source tells me it may be the inhibitor on the automatic gear box. Has anyone had this problem? Is it a common occurence? I was also told that it may be vapourisation - (common on a Montecarlo apparently) any ideas fellow Beta lovers!!!
Title: Re: Beta - Automatic - Inhibitor Post by: thecolonel on 24 March, 2011, 08:15:04 PM If the starter is turning, then it's not the inhibitor switch
If the starter isn't turning then yes it's probably the switch, not 100% where it's located on a Beta, can be on the gear selector or on the box itself. Hope that helps. Geoff Title: Re: Beta - Automatic - Inhibitor Post by: Howard on 25 March, 2011, 08:03:49 AM Thanks Geoff - the strater is not turning so I guess it is the inhibitor - I've pawed through the Haynes Manuael and can find no reference to where it is!!
Title: Re: Beta - Automatic - Inhibitor Post by: Thotos on 25 March, 2011, 11:01:10 AM Inhibitor switch is on top of the gearbox (on the Trevi at least). It should allow the car to start in Park and in Neutral so if the starter doesn't turn in Park set the selector to Neutral and try again. If it then works then all you need is a simple adjustment...
Title: Re: Beta - Automatic - Inhibitor Post by: Howard on 25 March, 2011, 11:29:19 AM Inhibitor switch is on top of the gearbox (on the Trevi at least). It should allow the car to start in Park and in Neutral so if the starter doesn't turn in Park set the selector to Neutral and try again. If it then works then all you need is a simple adjustment... Thanks for that - it doesn't start in park or neutral !! thanks for the location though - thats a good start - cheers Title: Re: Beta - Automatic - Inhibitor Post by: Thotos on 25 March, 2011, 11:55:38 AM There's a multi-plug (bullet type) connector near the inhibitor switch (talking Trevi again but probably the same on your Beta) so it could be just a bad connection.
Title: Re: Beta - Automatic - Inhibitor Post by: rogerelias on 25 March, 2011, 10:11:16 PM Or the old style trick, if you have long arms ::) hold the key in the start postion, and have a suitable clonking stick,aka long metal bar/starting handle handy, give the solenoid on top of the starter a few clonks, and see if that works, if it turns over, suspect starter needs looking at,i have done that a few times with some of my Fulvias in the past, i still have the Aprilia starting handle used in the garage, :) good luck
Title: Re: Beta - Automatic - Inhibitor Post by: Howard on 26 March, 2011, 10:03:32 AM Thanks everyone - problem solved - I've got a by pass switch set up for the short term until I can permanently resolve it... :)