Title: Urgent call for vehicles for filming Post by: fensaddler on 30 March, 2011, 09:20:51 AM Details as follows:
Cars required are appropriate to 1962/3, high spec (but that's all Lancias...) We need a maximum of 1-2 cars from LMC, and they must be different models if we provide more than one Filming is on Sunday 3rd April, this Sunday, exact timing TBA The location is in Central London, at Somerset House WC2R 1LA Expenses, fee for use, full insurance, food, all provided Please contact me (press(at)lanciamc.co.uk or 07899 951760) or contact the agent directly at normanwyper(at)aol.com, 01663 751057 or 07714 750508 Confirmation needed ASAP, ie in the next 24 hours. PS - do not reply to me via this thread as I will not have access to the Internet (only to my e-mail, and that unreliably, and my phone) until Friday morning. |