Lancia Motor Club

Events Archive => Events 2011 => Topic started by: Colin on 13 April, 2011, 08:22:23 PM

Title: Thirlestane Castle Show 5th June 2011
Post by: Colin on 13 April, 2011, 08:22:23 PM
This show takes place at Thirlestane Castle by Lauder, which is only three quarters of an hour or so south of Edinburgh and within relatively easy reach of Northern England.  Organised by the Borders Vintage Automobile Club, aside from individual entries the Lancia Club has always taken a stand here, although numbers attending in recent years has fallen off.  It is a good show-I have been attending it  on and off(and the previous one at Melllerstain) since c.1978.

There is always something of interest in the ring, autojumble, a Castle with a cafe and lots of cars to see.
For those attending on the Saturday, there is a road run (numbers limited) and camping at reasonable cost_there is normally a bar and live music on the Saturday night if you want to make a weekend of it.
Eric Nisbet is organising the club stand on the Sunday and entries are supposed to be in by the end of the month-if you are interested happy if you want to contact me for further details-would be nice to see as many cars and their owners there as possible. 

Colin Blaikie

Title: Re: Thirlestane Castle Show 5th June 2011
Post by: m tulloch on 17 April, 2011, 06:16:06 PM

May be there with 8.32 if not working. Can be in the display if you're interested and if not too early!

Title: Re: Thirlestane Castle Show 5th June 2011
Post by: Colin on 01 May, 2011, 08:01:52 AM
Mark, back from holiday-Eric has put entry in and I asked him to add third car for me in hope that we will have a spare if you want to come-will check with him on how he is getting on.
