Title: HSCC Cadwell Park Post by: KenR on 21 April, 2011, 07:53:08 PM Just in case you are still working out what to do at Easter weekend there will 3 Lancias in the 70's Roadsports race at Cadwell Park on Sunday and Monday. Charles Aram in a 1300 Fulvia Sport, Mark Oldfield in a Monte Carlo and myself in a 1600 Coupe. Its a bit of a trek to get there from anywhere (apologies to those that live in Lincolnshire) but it is well worth it. There is probably no circuit in Britain where you will get closer to the circuit. Race 1 is at 15.50 on Sunday and Race 2 14.05 on Monday. The circuit should suit the Fulvia so hoping to get amongst the 2 litre Alfas.
Ken. Title: Re: HSCC Cadwell Park Post by: peterbaker on 21 April, 2011, 08:01:52 PM Hi Ken, we are travelling up after SILVERSTONE and staying the night near Sleaford, wherever that is, ready for Cadwell Park on Sunday. Looking forward to meeting up.
Title: Re: HSCC Cadwell Park Post by: peterbaker on 25 April, 2011, 09:39:55 AM Couple of images, Ill post some more when I get home.