Title: Bristol Italian Auto Moto - 28/04/2012 Post by: sparehead3 on 23 April, 2011, 04:40:55 PM Date for the diary ...
Title: Re: Bristol Italian Auto Moto - 28/04/2012 Post by: sparehead3 on 15 February, 2012, 07:01:39 PM http://www.biamf.co.uk/enter.html
The entry form is there for the event, as before I have offered to marshall so will have the pleasure of parking you all with my new ramps :) http://www.biamf.co.uk/ Title: Re: Bristol Italian Auto Moto - 28/04/2012 Post by: sparehead3 on 29 March, 2012, 11:20:00 AM Hup!
Saw Paul last night who organises this (he goes to the Bristol meeting) and he's keen for more Lancias. So, if anyone fancies the trip then please sign up. Steve Title: Re: Bristol Italian Auto Moto - 28/04/2012 Post by: sparehead3 on 22 April, 2012, 05:19:37 PM Hi,
Went to the marshall's briefing this morning - got wet ! Lancia are parking in Corn Street this year so you'll all be coming in through St Nicholas Street (however read your entry form just in case it's different!) I got my Form today (given at the briefing) - yours will be in the post :) After the show some of us will be going to Ben Courage's place - if anyone wants to join then please drop either myself or Ben (ben on this forum) a line so we know numbers. There will be some food and BYO drink and a chance to sit out an have a natter. Title: Re: Bristol Italian Auto Moto - 28/04/2012 Post by: Andy D on 29 April, 2012, 02:06:48 PM It was a bit wet yesterday too but thankfully not too wet. A decent Lancia turnout too. A big thanks to Steve and Simon for their marshalling.
Here are my pics from the day: http://www.flickr.com/photos/8165854@N08/sets/72157629920117283/ Title: Re: Bristol Italian Auto Moto - 28/04/2012 Post by: sparehead3 on 29 April, 2012, 04:16:05 PM Hi,
Very enjoyable and a far better day than today. I was suprised at the Lancia turnout and nice that we managed to fill one and a half sides of corn st. Nice pictures Andy. Title: Re: Bristol Italian Auto Moto - 28/04/2012 Post by: Mattnovat on 30 April, 2012, 02:35:06 PM Great day despite the best efforts of the rain. Considering we'd had several consecutive days of poor weather there was a good turnout of Lancias but there was definately fewer Italian cars on show than previous years, but the crowds still perservered.
I even managed to win a little prize :-) Chuffed ;D Title: Re: Bristol Italian Auto Moto - 28/04/2012 Post by: TonyLanciaBeta on 30 April, 2012, 07:05:36 PM Good to catch up with everyone, all in all a good day
Well done Matt! (http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7209/7122283303_cf8b0a1a30_z.jpg) and thanks to Steve for Marshaling! (http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8004/6976112918_baca5a50bd_z.jpg) x fingers the weather improves for Brooklands the rest of my Bristol pic's can be seen here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/tonysphotos/sets/72157629555610238/ (http://www.flickr.com/photos/tonysphotos/sets/72157629555610238/) Title: Re: Bristol Italian Auto Moto - 28/04/2012 Post by: Richard Fridd on 30 April, 2012, 07:36:39 PM Well done .nice when things go well!richard
Title: Re: Bristol Italian Auto Moto - 28/04/2012 Post by: Rob on 30 April, 2012, 08:17:16 PM I had a great day too :D. My favourites were the Appia & Flaminia coupe that were keeping each other company & also the Hawk Stratos looked spot on in every way :P. Thanks to Ben & Nikki for a nice relaxing evening & some lovely grub when we went back to Yate, next time we'll have to have a proper look in all those out buildings :o.
Cheers, Rob Title: Re: Bristol Italian Auto Moto - 28/04/2012 Post by: adrian donovan on 02 May, 2012, 11:04:43 AM Well done to all the Lancia owners who turned up for on Saturday. It was the first time I'd been there and I was impressed by the range of all the cars and bikes. And - as happens so often - the variety of the Lancias was wonderful. It was particularly good to see such a spread of ages represented.
Title: Re: Bristol Italian Auto Moto - 28/04/2012 Post by: sparehead3 on 02 May, 2012, 11:21:40 AM The range was far larger than I expected as some had gone over to Spa Italia :o) But that is the great thing about the Marque. The good thing was using the Group 4 Beta to hide the dustbins :) The bad thing is when a Thema turns and and sticks out a bit - we need 3.7metres width for fire engines. It's nice to surround an Augusta with a Stratos either side and it takes about 4 people to push an Aprilia onto the pavement when it's stalled and won't start again for a few minutes ....
I should add a thanks to Ben and Nikki for a great apres festival , although I start to flag after a bit .... |