Title: Wilton House 3rd Annual Supercar Day 14th August 2011 Post by: Charles on 10 May, 2011, 01:02:54 PM This year, for the first time, the Supercar day at Wilton House near Salisbury will include a classic car display. There are some details at http://www.wiltonhousesupercars.co.uk/ with more to follow in due course. Apparently the Earl of Pembroke, who owns Wilton House, is keen on cars. Last year over 6,500 people attended.
Title: Re: Wilton House 3rd Annual Supercar Day 14th August 2011 Post by: sparehead3 on 17 June, 2011, 11:54:35 AM Does anyone fancy going to this ? I was planning on going (as it's also a nice drive) and happy to meet up en-route at A350/A36 Travelodge carpark at Warminster.