Lancia Motor Club

General => Press/Media: Lancias mentioned, seen or wanted! => Topic started by: ncundy on 09 June, 2011, 08:22:50 PM

Title: How many left?
Post by: ncundy on 09 June, 2011, 08:22:50 PM
Found this site from Pistonheads;

Doesn't seem to go back earlier than Flaminias so it isn't complete
(nor does the DVLA data

But if the figures are to believed there are just shy of 1500 Lancias on the road. Biggest drop is Deltas.


Title: Re: How many left?
Post by: fensaddler on 09 June, 2011, 08:50:54 PM
Very interesting, not least to see how few Delta 1.3s are on the road now (no more breaking them for 'grale parts now lads, its not fair...), but the figures seem too low.  1500 Lancias left on UK roads simply isn't credible - that would be barely one car for each LMC member and we know that there are many members with more than one car, there are owners in other clubs but not LMC, and there are owners not in any club.  Moreover, according to these stats, there are no Gamma Berlinas on the road - and yet we know without doubt that this is wrong (unless they were all SORNed at the time?).

Title: Re: How many left?
Post by: ncundy on 09 June, 2011, 08:59:25 PM
Yes I agree, several people have said that on Pistonheads about other makes. Mind you, my dealings with the DVLA never filled me with confidence :)

Title: Re: How many left?
Post by: fensaddler on 09 June, 2011, 09:04:38 PM
I think there's a glitch in the database.  If you search for Delta or Integrale, there is at least one row which appears which does not appear if you search for Lancia - and that's the one with all the 200+ grales in.  Likewise you have to search under Gamma, but not Lancia, to find the four Gamma 'Sedans' that sounds a more credible number for road registered, as opposed to SORNed, Gamma Berlinas.  I think that may account for a lot of the missing numbers.  I'd find maybe 2500-3000 Lancias left all told to be more credible, given the number of members we have, and the number of cars they are likely to have v/v the number of cars we can assume are outside the club (CLS membership of maybe 100, so perhaps 150-200 cars there), plus some grales and other bits and pieces not in either club.

Title: Re: How many left?
Post by: fensaddler on 09 June, 2011, 09:09:23 PM
Plus of course there will be perhaps 100?? cars in consortia that don't belong to either LMC or CLS - Betas, Montes, the odd Thema and Dedra I'd suspect.  Most 'no club at all' cars I'd suspect would be early grales, a few Dedras being run as bangers and plain old cars, maybe the odd Thema and Y10 likewise, and the odd 'I don't do clubs' Fulvia owners...

Title: Re: How many left?
Post by: fay66 on 09 June, 2011, 10:34:24 PM
Interesting to see if you put in 2000 meaning Flavia 2000, you also get all variations of Beta 2000!
No Ypsilons? that's not right.

Fulvia 2c Berlina shows 3, which would be "Fay", Lee's 2c and Robin Laceys ex 2c in Northern Ireland, but if northern Ireland doesn't come into this, then I don't know where or who owns the 3rd one as I've never seen it?

8227 8)

Title: Re: How many left?
Post by: nyssa7 on 10 June, 2011, 06:35:10 AM
No wonder I can't find a Y10 Turbo anywhere, only 2 licenced and 11 on SORN - and 2 of the SORNs are mine

Apparently no Lancia kappa, hmm - I can see 3 outside

Title: Re: How many left?
Post by: stuwilson128 on 10 June, 2011, 02:12:24 PM
No wonder I can't find a Y10 Turbo anywhere, only 2 licenced and 11 on SORN - and 2 of the SORNs are mine

Apparently no Lancia kappa, hmm - I can see 3 outside

No Lybra either.  Strange since there is one sat on my driveway!

Title: Re: How many left?
Post by: DianaW on 11 June, 2011, 10:25:34 AM
The Club records show that there are about 1700 Lancias in the U.K. belonging to Club members though I suppose some may be not be registered with the DVLA.  Does the table not include cars on SORN? 

We have 400 Fulvias, 296 Deltas (of all models but not including the later Deltas)  and 260 Betas, then drop to 84 for Themas.

Only 1 Lybra though!


Title: Re: How many left?
Post by: thecolonel on 11 June, 2011, 11:48:50 AM
Personally I think it's a wholly inaccurate list.
Acceptable as a guide only.

Note:  I mean the website not Diana's list obviously

Title: Re: How many left?
Post by: fay66 on 11 June, 2011, 01:36:48 PM
The Club records show that there are about 1700 Lancias in the U.K. belonging to Club members though I suppose some may be not be registered with the DVLA.  Does the table not include cars on SORN? 

We have 400 Fulvias, 296 Deltas (of all models but not including the later Deltas)  and 260 Betas, then drop to 84 for Themas.

Only 1 Lybra though!


Can you tell me how many series 1 and series 2 Berlinas if possible please.

8227 8)

Title: Re: How many left?
Post by: neil-yaj396 on 11 June, 2011, 02:55:21 PM
Diana's figures are interesting. I didn't appreciate how popular/numerous Fulvias are. Such a good proportion of them have survived. Betas must have been the most numerous at one time? I suppose there must be over 400 left nationally. Not bad for supposedly the rustiest car in Christendom.

Title: Re: How many left?
Post by: ncundy on 11 June, 2011, 02:59:00 PM
Yes, they do include SORN. Given some of the comments on other forums about the accuracy (or lack of) I'd be inclined to believe the club figures.

Title: Re: How many left?
Post by: phil-m on 11 June, 2011, 03:42:38 PM
It probably does not include cars taken off the road prior to SORN comming in. One of my Fulvia Zagato's has been off the road since at least '94 and I have never had any DVLA contact other than the change of owner.

Title: Re: How many left?
Post by: on 11 June, 2011, 08:49:52 PM
Like Phil, until earlier this month, I had no contact with the DVLA about my Gussie or B20 for many years, in fact since 1978.

With my heart in my mouth wondering what they might say, I phoned the DVLA on the 2nd of this month, to my great relief (and indeed, amazement) they still had full details of both cars registered to my address. I had feared after 33 years of nothing, they may have determined the vehicles no longer in existence and the registration numbers allocated to others.

I have just returned from a week on the Thames to find in the post a bright red V5C document for each car. Furthermore, in my conversation on the 2nd, the delightful Leanne advised me that as I had never received a Registration Document for either vehicle I did not have to pay for the new V5Cs and, as I had taken the cars off the road before the SORN system came into being, I did not have to declare the vehicles SORN, or tax  them until I chose to do so !!!! 

So, the DVLA does have systems that work and there are humans working there.

The bottom line is that there are probably a significant number of Lancias that one day will return to the roads, that would not appear on any databank.

As to how many Lancias there are in the UK, we can only make an qualified estimate based on the data held by the Club and available from the DVLA. An improvement on the current situation, would, I believe require us to try to improve the take -up of club membership as  the DVLA is unlikely to change there systems in a way that would help us.
