Title: Classics Monthly - Appia Post by: fensaddler on 24 June, 2011, 11:03:06 PM Really excellent piece on Will How's Appia in CM this month - great photos, real appreciation of the car, lots of plugs for the club, and well written. They are a good crew at CM and this shows in the article.
Title: Re: Classics Monthly - Appia Post by: will on 07 July, 2011, 06:59:55 AM Thanks Chris for posting this. The photo session was great fun, which included driving up and down Box Hill in Surrey a number of times.
(part off the Olympic cycle road race course). Luckily the Appia sliding pillar suspension deals with the pot holed roads of Surrey so well. We then drove on via Ken Tyrell's shed at East Horsley, where the first racing cars were built. To the major photo session which was at Brooklands. Great day apart from the weather thanks for use of the photos Classics Monthly and Matt Richardson the photographer. |