Title: Hatchette Models. Post by: fay66 on 25 June, 2011, 05:26:36 PM Has anyone tried taking a Hatchette 1/43 model apart, reason being is that I want to take a Fulvia 2c model apart to repaint the interior and the exterior in "Fays" colours, unfortunately as no right hand drive models have been made by Hatchette or anyone else for that matter it will have to do as a LHD, and none of the Hatchette 2c's have been produced in my exterior colour, 'Doncaster Grey'.
But I can't see how it comes apart, there doesn't seem to be any fixings and although I can get a blade under the centre section, I can't see how to release the front or rear ends and I'm reluctant to apply too much pressure under the centre section in case either end breaks off ??? A further question is has anyone repainted a Hatchette model, and if so what paint did they use? |