Title: Kirkby Stephen classic car show Post by: nic038 on 30 June, 2011, 04:33:16 PM Kirkby Stephen classic car show in Cumbria, as per viva lancia magazine ,Cumbria section of the LMC attending on the 3rd of July 2011.
The North East of section of LMC will also be travelling across for this show to meet up with the Cumbria section, the show is fairly new and is the first time i have been infomed that the North East section has attended. Title: Re: Kirkby Stephen classic car show Post by: nic038 on 05 July, 2011, 03:47:53 PM after travelling up the high street a few times,i managed to find this event at the railway museum that they have here.
It was only a small event with probably less than 50 cars turning out,and with just 4 lancias attending while i was still there.(aprilia,montecarlo,thema 16vt and a delta integrale ). but i would like to say it was one of the most frieindly events i have visited, with owners from all car makes coming over and chatting about their cars. |