Title: Immaculate Beta Coupe for Sale Post by: JohnMillham on 08 July, 2011, 03:58:13 PM At the Witney Car Show last evening, Mike Wheeler and I saw what must be the most immaculate Beta Coupe remaining. At £6,999 o.n.o. and 21,000 miles from new, it looks like it hasn't been used at all!
Ring 07872 470852 or E-mail :- info@OxfordClassicMotorcyclePaint.co.uk for more information. Mike and I have nothing to do with the seller, but we were very impressed with the condition of the car. If the (4) photos are not attached, I'll send them by E-mail. Regards, John Title: Re: Immaculate Beta Coupe for Sale Post by: HF_Dave on 08 July, 2011, 05:38:57 PM They are strill out there, I amase's me what's stored in garrage' around the country :D
Title: Re: Immaculate Beta Coupe for Sale Post by: neil-yaj396 on 08 July, 2011, 06:06:31 PM Think that this may be the car that has been discussed at great length on the BetBoyz forum. If so the general consensus is that it is still overpriced despite it's merits.
Title: Re: Immaculate Beta Coupe for Sale Post by: HF_Dave on 10 July, 2011, 10:16:44 AM I diden't know it was the same one again ! ::) But I think the price has come down.