Title: Vesuvios Sharnbrook 24th June 2012 Post by: fay66 on 06 September, 2011, 10:56:58 PM I know this is a bit premature, but could you please put this date in your Diaries and hopefully you'll join us at Vesuvio's Restaurant Italian Car & Bike Day at Sharnbrook, which is about 6 miles North of Bedford.
We had a bit of a moan at them this year as the usual Ferrari's Lambo's etc get all the limelight and the best show places, Peter Dicks has got them to agree that Lancia will be the featured Marque for 2012, so what we need will be lots of nice Lancia's for everyone to see, so if you can possibly attend it would be much appreciated, hopefully Jack will also put it in VL. Brian 8227 8) Title: Re: Vesuvios Sharnbrook 24th June 2012 Post by: lancialulu on 02 January, 2012, 04:23:53 PM Brian
How do we say yes? Had a great run out in OVS today so expect it will be making some special appearances and 24june is one of them! Tim Title: Re: Vesuvios Sharnbrook 24th June 2012 Post by: fay66 on 02 January, 2012, 10:00:26 PM Hi Tim,
Will be great to see Sarah Yourself and of course OVS there. Car Information: Only Italian Marques of Cars & Bikes are welcome at the show! Please register your entry directly with Ciro at info@thesharnbrookhotel.com or give Ciro a ring on Tel: 07775 717199. I'll start a list as well so if anyone else is thinking of coming would they please let me know as well as contacting Ciro. Brian 8227 8) |