Title: Please sign Petition for 30 year rolling exemption of VED Post by: fay66 on 17 September, 2011, 11:13:20 PM Please sign this petition it will help!
Subject: 30year rolling exemption Have you seen the petition on the Government website, which has just appeared, whereby if they get 100,000 signatures by next year. the subject of extending the rolling 25year exemption to 30 years for classic cars, will be debated in parliament? Brian 8227 8) http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/183 Title: Re: Please sign Petition for 30 year rolling exemption of VED Post by: neil-yaj396 on 18 September, 2011, 07:42:32 AM Will do, even getting it 'rolling' again would be a result, it's been fixed at 1972 since the late nineties I think. Just got my £ 130 bill for my 33 year old car!
Title: Re: Please sign Petition for 30 year rolling exemption of VED Post by: thecolonel on 18 September, 2011, 12:05:57 PM Done
Title: Re: Please sign Petition for 30 year rolling exemption of VED Post by: Paul Greenway on 18 September, 2011, 07:27:37 PM Signed. Title: Re: Please sign Petition for 30 year rolling exemption of VED Post by: DavidLaver on 18 September, 2011, 08:29:55 PM What a lovely thought. Have signed and spread !! Title: Re: Please sign Petition for 30 year rolling exemption of VED Post by: stuwilson128 on 18 September, 2011, 08:33:34 PM Signed
Title: Re: Please sign Petition for 30 year rolling exemption of VED Post by: Neil on 18 September, 2011, 08:49:25 PM Signed up, I hope sufficient signatures are received.
Title: Re: Please sign Petition for 30 year rolling exemption of VED Post by: rikardo on 19 September, 2011, 11:37:12 AM I have attempted this but have received no e-mail reply to complete the process and it's been over 24 hours since submission.
Neither is it sitting in my Junk/Spam Inbox. Has anybody else experienced the same? The same thing happened with the other e-petition I wanted to sign up to. Title: Re: Please sign Petition for 30 year rolling exemption of VED Post by: fay66 on 19 September, 2011, 06:30:50 PM Richard,
I've had no problem with this or other petitions, not your spam settings? Brian 8227 8) Title: Re: Please sign Petition for 30 year rolling exemption of VED Post by: sparehead3 on 19 September, 2011, 08:00:44 PM Signed up - only twelve years before mine is 30 years old !
Title: Re: Please sign Petition for 30 year rolling exemption of VED Post by: TonyLanciaBeta on 19 September, 2011, 09:35:00 PM all signed, mine was 30 this year :)
Title: Re: Please sign Petition for 30 year rolling exemption of VED Post by: Dilambdaman on 19 September, 2011, 11:10:09 PM Done.
Robin Title: Re: Please sign Petition for 30 year rolling exemption of VED Post by: Richard Fridd on 20 September, 2011, 05:43:45 AM signed
Title: Re: Please sign Petition for 30 year rolling exemption of VED Post by: rikardo on 20 September, 2011, 07:47:41 AM Brian.
I've checked and any spam is sent directly to my Junk Folder for me to deal with as I see fit (normal setting), but none has arrived. This non-response is very odd because I've done these e-petitions before and not had this happen. I attempted it again but couldn't, as their system recognised my e-mail address as having been used for the e-petition. So it would appear that the response is now being blocked, or not being sent. Hmm! :-\ Title: Re: Please sign Petition for 30 year rolling exemption of VED Post by: sparehead3 on 20 September, 2011, 10:46:36 AM Get rid of that Mac and get a proper PC then you'll just have the normal problems we all have and not the weird ones where you're on your own ! :D
Title: Re: Please sign Petition for 30 year rolling exemption of VED Post by: Betaboy2.0 on 20 September, 2011, 12:21:14 PM Yeap - I have signed it too.
Dreaming now of free road tax for 3 x Betas, 1 x Delta and 1 x Gamma, with another Beta and another Gamma following suit in the next two years..... dream on though I fear :( Andy Title: Re: Please sign Petition for 30 year rolling exemption of VED Post by: Peter W on 20 September, 2011, 03:24:15 PM Signed
Title: Re: Please sign Petition for 30 year rolling exemption of VED Post by: SteveGales on 20 September, 2011, 03:28:46 PM Signed
Steve Title: Re: Please sign Petition for 30 year rolling exemption of VED Post by: rodney3010 on 20 September, 2011, 03:51:09 PM Only at 6893 signatures so far! A bit adrift - tell family and friends!
Title: Re: Please sign Petition for 30 year rolling exemption of VED Post by: Alan Temple on 20 September, 2011, 04:24:26 PM Done. Confirmation email was instant!
Title: Re: Please sign Petition for 30 year rolling exemption of VED Post by: Richard Fridd on 20 September, 2011, 05:11:32 PM Only at 6893 signatures so far! A bit adrift - tell family and friends! how many classic vehicle owners does this affect i wonder[100,000+?] -and how many of those are aware of its existance.richardTitle: Re: Please sign Petition for 30 year rolling exemption of VED Post by: rikardo on 20 September, 2011, 05:46:31 PM Signed.
Steve. I used another Mobile Me alias and it worked, so I can only presume it was their system and nothing to do with me. Well, that's my story and I'm sticking to it! Title: Re: Please sign Petition for 30 year rolling exemption of VED Post by: fay66 on 21 September, 2011, 01:23:25 AM Only at 6893 signatures so far! A bit adrift - tell family and friends! how many classic vehicle owners does this affect i wonder[100,000+?] -and how many of those are aware of its existance.richardRichard if everyone on here sends it to friends with older cars then every little will help. Brian 8227 8) Title: Re: Please sign Petition for 30 year rolling exemption of VED Post by: Richard Fridd on 28 September, 2011, 06:31:30 PM 7373 signatures so far. is there a 'time limit' as such i wonder?also it would not suprise me in the least if instead of a 'chronological' exemption extension being granted to newer vehicles some sort of a review of the existing exemption may take place resulting in a 'reduced rate' road fund license fee being demanded by the authorities[at least dick turpin had the decency to wear a mask as is sometimes said]
Title: Re: Please sign Petition for 30 year rolling exemption of VED Post by: peterbaker on 28 September, 2011, 09:28:20 PM I'm not convinced this is a good thing.
Title: Re: Please sign Petition for 30 year rolling exemption of VED Post by: fay66 on 28 September, 2011, 11:45:55 PM I'm not convinced this is a good thing. WHY? Brian 8227 8) Title: Re: Please sign Petition for 30 year rolling exemption of VED Post by: peterbaker on 29 September, 2011, 09:29:56 AM I just don't trust government. In other EU countries, and I'm thinking of Denmark and Sweden, classic car usage is already restricted while in Germany, cars without current co2stickers are banned from city centres. This exists already as a proposal in the UK. As I understand it commercial vehicles over five years old are also to be banned from operating in the London area as from Jan 1st. As with all the talk about raising our motorway speed limit to 80 mph, this is nothing special but at the same time limits are being reduced dramatically on rural roads, we can expect EU wide law concerning use of our cars and it might be in our interest to pay the RFL and retain freedom. just a thought. Sooner we leave the EU the better IMHO
Title: Re: Please sign Petition for 30 year rolling exemption of VED Post by: Richard Fridd on 29 September, 2011, 09:50:07 AM What's that about jan 1st?I hope that won't apply to my 07 vw transporter its still within a warranty period!
Title: Re: Please sign Petition for 30 year rolling exemption of VED Post by: peterbaker on 29 September, 2011, 07:04:48 PM Hi Richard and suggest you go to www.anchor vans.co.uk for update. Government secrets eh!
Title: Re: Please sign Petition for 30 year rolling exemption of VED Post by: Richard Fridd on 29 September, 2011, 07:34:38 PM where does the relevant update appear please
Title: Re: Please sign Petition for 30 year rolling exemption of VED Post by: Neil on 29 September, 2011, 08:09:51 PM Richard, Peter may be referring to the Low Emission Zone which covers most of Greater London every day of the year and there are tighter regulations from January next year.
http://www.tfl.gov.uk/roadusers/lez/17678.aspx Title: Re: Please sign Petition for 30 year rolling exemption of VED Post by: Richard Fridd on 29 September, 2011, 08:21:32 PM thanks ,as i understand emissions are the issue not age of vehicle
Title: Re: Please sign Petition for 30 year rolling exemption of VED Post by: peterbaker on 29 September, 2011, 10:22:46 PM They are, the web address should be www.anchorvans.co.uk sorry. Click on news
Title: Re: Please sign Petition for 30 year rolling exemption of VED Post by: Richard Fridd on 30 September, 2011, 07:04:21 AM the 'euro 4' spec seems to be the thing to have.i will look in the handbook for details.i assume this rule only applies to 'type approved vehicles' and not to vehicles made before type approval came into being.best regards richard
Title: Re: Please sign Petition for 30 year rolling exemption of VED Post by: nic038 on 30 September, 2011, 10:02:59 AM signed... hopefully in place for 2024 ;D