Title: Bill Boddy Tribute Day Brooklands 1st October Post by: peterbaker on 28 September, 2011, 07:12:32 PM Brooklands will be staging a tribute on Saturday to William Boddy MBE, the man who began his career writing about the track and later put all his efforts into saving it. He was also a great fan of Lancia. The tremendous Napier aero-engined record holder from 1934, it lapped at some 143 mph, will be demonstrating it's power on the Banking and those arriving in pre 73classics will receive preferential treatment.
Title: Re: Bill Boddy Tribute Day Brooklands 1st October Post by: peterbaker on 07 October, 2011, 01:14:13 PM The organisers allowed me two runs up the Test Hill, the weather was fantastic