Title: On the hunt for a Delta S4 Stradale Post by: Julia on 29 September, 2011, 07:59:22 PM As you gathered, my first request had to be a difficult one!
I'm after a Delta S4 road version, only needed to for the photoshoot, doesn't have to be driven. It has been asked for by a computer games company. I know that they are virtually nonexistent in the UK, so any international contacts would also be highly appreciated. To be honest, I have already tried the most obvious places, but if someone happens to have some useful information, then please get in touch! PM me or email press(at)lanciamc.co.uk Thank you Julia Title: Re: On the hunt for a Delta S4 Stradale Post by: Neil on 29 September, 2011, 08:05:46 PM Julia, did you try Walkers, they had one for sale recently or may know where there is one for available for a photo shoot.
Title: Re: On the hunt for a Delta S4 Stradale Post by: Jolly_Club_6 on 29 September, 2011, 08:19:24 PM Remember this one from a recent venue ? ;)
(http://i304.photobucket.com/albums/nn189/spinningbackKick/806603d9.jpg) Title: Re: On the hunt for a Delta S4 Stradale Post by: Julia on 29 September, 2011, 08:55:41 PM Julia, did you try Walkers, they had one for sale recently or may know where there is one for available for a photo shoot. Oh yes, pretty much first thing I did, so that's covered. Thank you though :) Title: Re: On the hunt for a Delta S4 Stradale Post by: Julia on 06 October, 2011, 06:51:10 PM Well, they don't call me a Lancia Hunter for nothing ;D
Found it. Case closed. Title: Re: On the hunt for a Delta S4 Stradale Post by: thecolonel on 06 October, 2011, 08:50:32 PM Well done Julia, now you've got your feet wet....
Can you find my car ? I left it in pub car park Title: Re: On the hunt for a Delta S4 Stradale Post by: fensaddler on 06 October, 2011, 08:53:22 PM Well, they don't call me a Lancia Hunter for nothing ;D Found it. Case closed. I knew she was good. You won't be missing me then... ;D Title: Re: On the hunt for a Delta S4 Stradale Post by: Julia on 06 October, 2011, 09:10:14 PM Can you find my car ? I left it in pub car park Ah, finding it is one thing, but returning it to its owner might be a bit of a problem. You see, I do have a soft spot for Gammas... ;D I knew she was good. You won't be missing me then... ;D It's the early days Chris, just wait till you get a tearful "Please, come back!" message! Title: Re: On the hunt for a Delta S4 Stradale Post by: angelorange on 19 October, 2011, 10:49:21 PM Nice one here: http://www.rally24.com/rally-cars-for-sale/rally-car-687.html
Title: Re: On the hunt for a Delta S4 Stradale Post by: fay66 on 20 October, 2011, 12:15:20 AM Nice one here: http://www.rally24.com/rally-cars-for-sale/rally-car-687.html The mind boggles! whatever are Plucks and Tittles ???Brian 8227 8) Title: Re: On the hunt for a Delta S4 Stradale Post by: Jolly_Club_6 on 20 October, 2011, 01:18:53 AM That looks awesome ! Very droolworthy. ;D
(http://i304.photobucket.com/albums/nn189/spinningbackKick/9e594cb9.jpg) |