Title: Serbian Flavia 1800 Coupe for Parts Post by: LanciAlan on 28 October, 2011, 10:09:26 AM This car seems beyond restoration and is being broken for parts in Serbia (but can be acquired whole).
The person who brought it to my attention has an option to buy it and can ship parts cheaply to London. contact djape1977@hotmail.com (http://img268.imageshack.us/img268/8016/fotografija0195z.jpg) (http://img155.imageshack.us/img155/9504/fotografija0197r.jpg) (http://img195.imageshack.us/img195/1119/fotografija0198.jpg) Title: Re: Serbian Flavia 1800 Coupe for Parts Post by: fay66 on 28 October, 2011, 11:37:50 AM Got to be worth having for the brightwork and glass let alone anything else, but Rusty Stainless rear bumpers that appear to have been cut & shut???
brian 8227 8) Title: Re: Serbian Flavia 1800 Coupe for Parts Post by: LanciAlan on 28 October, 2011, 03:04:35 PM Got to be worth having for the brightwork and glass let alone anything else, but Rusty Stainless rear bumpers that appear to have been cut & shut??? brian 8227 8) I said the same about trim and glass. Apparently it ran in 2004 so possible engine and ancillaries of use too. I knew there was something odd about the back of it - I think those quarter bumpers are the remains of a correct standard chromed bumper unless you think they are from something else altogether? They seem to run along the lower rear quarter as they should. Title: Re: Serbian Flavia 1800 Coupe for Parts Post by: HF_Dave on 02 November, 2011, 10:00:53 PM Alan, thats a restoration for the very brave. Do you know what kind of money they are asking ? Thanks. David. :)