Title: Y10 Spares for Sale Post by: stuwilson128 on 15 November, 2011, 12:36:08 PM I have been contacted by somebody who is breaking a Y10 and has lots of useful bits on it. The parts are located in Leicester.
For further information on what is available, please contact Davinder on 07957 913108. Title: Re: Y10 Spares for Sale Post by: fay66 on 15 November, 2011, 03:50:20 PM I have been contacted by somebody who is breaking a Y10 and has lots of useful bits on it. The parts are located in Leicester. not sure if Davinder is still a LMC member but he used to be a regular at events.For further information on what is available, please contact Davinder on 07957 913108. Brian 8227 8) |