Title: Italian TV series Sky arts. Post by: Parisien on 22 November, 2011, 10:16:18 AM Guys, I feel let down..... ......badly.......
P Title: Re: Italian TV series Sky arts. Post by: Parisien on 22 November, 2011, 10:17:45 AM It was only when I saw the reference to the girly TV series AKA Pan Am , that I sorta cottoned on...........
I did a search for the series above............in the forum......zilch........diddly squat........rien........ P Title: Re: Italian TV series Sky arts. Post by: Parisien on 22 November, 2011, 10:21:49 AM So here it is......possibly the worst made, most badly shot, poorly acted series ever to escape the shores of Italy..............IMHO of course............
Romanzo Criminale http://www.skyarts.co.uk/film-docs/article/romanzo-criminale/ Its been on for a number of weeks, but I gave up watching it after the first 3 or 4..... P PS Only saved by being based in the seventies with hoards of 1960s/70s Italian cars...........!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Title: Re: Italian TV series Sky arts. Post by: Parisien on 22 November, 2011, 10:50:17 AM Some of the blurb.....plus there appears to be a 2nd series out there....
Set in Rome during the 1970s, Romanzo Criminale (Crime Novel) is based on the award-winning film of the same name which tells the true story of the Banda della Magia, the prolific and bloodthirsty crime family in Italy who were responsible for some of the most violent crimes the country had ever seen. Romanzo Criminale first burst into the world as a gut-wrenching crime novel by Roman judge, novelist and scriptwriter Giancarlo De Cataldo. After becoming a cult novel in Italy, it was turned into a hit feature film which was the recipient of countless awards including an Italian Golden Globe. The series was also a huge success in Italy, with critics praising it as “The only Italian series of which we can be proud,” while leading newspaper La Stampa called it “the best television series ever produced in Italy.” Political murders, spectacular bombing and high-profile kidnappings, the story is set in the violent underworld of Rome, a patchwork of petty gangs and small-time crooks where one young man, known only as The Lebanese, dreams of rising to the top of the pack. As he proves himself through a series of brutal crimes, he makes valuable connections among corrupt cops and politicians, and in the Secret Service, which seeks to enlist the gang to destabilize the government and provoke a right-wing coup. Pitted against the world of women, drugs, gambling and clubs of The Lebanese and his cohorts is the young idealistic police inspector Nicola Scialoja. Seemingly the one man not in the pay or pocket of the Mafia or the corrupt State, Scialoja is determined to bring the ferocious gang to justice, whatever the cost to himself or to the rules of the law. P Title: Re: Italian TV series Sky arts. Post by: Betaboy2.0 on 22 November, 2011, 01:44:27 PM Sadly (or is it sadly?) I'm not on Sky.
Will keep an eye open for it on BT Vision.. A Title: Re: Italian TV series Sky arts. Post by: stuwilson128 on 22 November, 2011, 09:18:43 PM Ah, Romanzo Criminale! I bought it on DVD for £5 a couple of months ago in an effort to help me in learning Italian (I feel it helps with my listening and comprehension). The opening scenes are brilliant with a Flavia and Appia. The film is quite violent, I would suggest it is similar to a Reservoir Dogs type of gangster film.
Title: Re: Italian TV series Sky arts. Post by: Parisien on 24 November, 2011, 08:49:52 PM On tonight at 11.00pm.......more Lancias than you'd care to count...........I should think.....
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