Title: Something for the school run? Post by: bruciebonuz on 24 November, 2011, 10:23:03 AM http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Group-5-Lancia-Stratos-turbo-Race-Car-SUPER-RARE-/250935958738?pt=Automobiles_UK&hash=item3a6cf2dcd2
Title: Re: Something for the school run? Post by: HF_Dave on 24 November, 2011, 10:38:08 AM Very Nice, but where will she put her shopping bags. :D
Title: Re: Something for the school run? Post by: DavidLaver on 26 November, 2011, 12:29:34 AM Where to put the shopping? I think the advert mentioned a trailer for it so you could use it for runs to the dump as well as any amount of shopping. Am wondering if this "intercooler" thing is to keep the frozen food good. The "dump valve" is probably to tip the trailer. David Title: Re: Something for the school run? Post by: the.cern on 26 November, 2011, 08:55:14 AM I am sorely tempted and the shopping wouldn't be a worry, after buying this there wouldn't be any money for shopping !!!!!!
HOWEVER, I really need a family size one, did they do one ??? My school run is rarely less than three, sometimes five, all urchins, but priceless !!!!!! Andy Title: Re: Something for the school run? Post by: SanRemo78 on 03 December, 2011, 12:34:50 AM Sold.
Shipped to Germany. Slight price rise....... http://suchen.mobile.de/fahrzeuge/showDetails.html?id=154470397&__lp=1&scopeId=C&sortOption.sortBy=price.consumerGrossEuro&makeModelVariant1.makeId=14700&makeModelVariant1.modelId=14&makeModelVariant1.searchInFreetext=false&makeModelVariant2.searchInFreetext=false&makeModelVariant3.searchInFreetext=false&negativeFeatures=EXPORT&lang=de&pageNumber=1 Guy Title: Re: Something for the school run? Post by: peteracs on 03 December, 2011, 11:39:47 AM Hi Guy
But a man has to eat doesn't he...... Peter |