Title: CARBURATORE SOLEX 30 AAI - LANCIA AURELIA B10 B50...250 euro start Post by: Parisien on 05 December, 2011, 05:43:01 PM http://www.ebay.it/itm/CARBURATORE-SOLEX-30-AAI-LANCIA-AURELIA-B10-B50-/200684781201?pt=Ricambi_automobili&hash=item2eb9bebe91
P Title: Re: CARBURATORE SOLEX 30 AAI - LANCIA AURELIA B10 B50...250 euro start Post by: chriswgawne on 09 June, 2014, 09:22:36 AM I realise I have a complete Solex 30AAI in Sunningdale in the UK in very good condition. offers anyone?
Chris |