Lancia Motor Club

Events Archive => Events 2012 => Topic started by: peterbaker on 24 December, 2011, 05:25:51 PM

Title: Cotswold Economy Drive 19th August 2012
Post by: peterbaker on 24 December, 2011, 05:25:51 PM
The first deposits have arrived for the 2012 Cotswold Economy Drive. Our new rally venue is Dumbledon Hall country house where we will be holding our pre rally dinner. it lies in it's own grounds and boasts fantastic views and even it's own lake. Ideas for the lunch break so far include, horse riding, archery and rifle shooting. Hmm. Whatever, the route will cover around 120 miles of traditional Cotswold byways and no special equipment or insurance is required. Children and dogs are welcome and all crews start with an equal chance of winning a gold medal. Entry is limited to fifty. please e-mail for full details